Best digestive enzymes

Best Digestive Enzymes for a More Balanced Body

Digestive enzymes can be naturally created by your body to help you digest certain foods, but there are also ways you can increase the amount of digestive enzymes your body has in order to better support your digestion. There are many points within the digestive process in which the enzymes are used to move the process along. The pancreas is the main area in which enzymes are produced and help break down proteins, fats, and carbohydrates. 

When someone has an enzyme deficiency it can lead to digestive complications and in the long run can even lead to an imbalance in weight gain. In order to avoid these complications one must work to ensure their enzyme levels are in optimal shape by finding other ways to increase it. A great example of someone who might experience enzyme deficiency is those who have found they have the common food intolerance known as a lactose intolerance. Luckily, through taking supplements that help with bloating and that contain digestive enzymes, along with finding natural ways to increase the enzymes we can work to ensure we can still enjoy our food without the complications of indigestion.

The Main Types of Digestive Enzymes 

There are a number of different digestive enzymes that have their own purpose in the body. The digestive enzyme called amylase helps to digest carbohydrates that enter the body and helps to break down starch into sugar. This process occurs both in the mouth and in the pancreas. Following amylase comes maltase which takes the malt sugar created by amylase and turns it into the simple sugar called glucose. Glucose helps to increase energy levels in the body which is why it is essential we keep these digestive enzymes at a healthy level. 

Lactase is the enzyme that helps to break down lactose which is commonly found in dairy products, and is the one enzyme that many people struggle to create and maintain naturally within the body leading to lactose intolerance. When lactose is not absorbed it is fermented by bacteria in one’s gut that can lead to unpleasant gas. Lipase is yet another enzyme that works to break down fats into fatty acids that the body can use properly. 

The last digestive enzymes that we are going to highlight are proteases which include pepsin, trypsin, and chymotrypsin. Proteases help to break down proteins into amino acids and are essential in helping the body with the following processes: blood clotting, your immunity levels, and how our cells divide. Amino acids are essential in many aspects of one’s body which is why it is vital that we give our bodies the tools it needs to properly maintain amino acid levels. As you can see, digestive enzymes in general play a crucial role in the digestive process and we must learn how to best identify a deficiency and how to naturally increase the levels of enzymes in our bodies. 

How to Identify A Digestive Enzyme Imbalance

Many of the digestive enzymes our body uses to create balance comes from eating certain foods such as fruits and vegetables. If we are lacking a balanced diet filled with proper nutrients it can lead to a digestive enzyme imbalance that can be identified through a number of symptoms. 

Some common digestive issues such as constipation, bloating, and abdominal pain all can be indicators that we are lacking digestive enzymes as it can lead to a slower metabolism and making it harder for our bodies to complete the digestive process. Due to the connection between our digestion system and our mental health other indicators of a lack of digestive enzymes can include stress, anxiety, depression, and fatigue. On the other hand, having these mental complications can in turn lead to a decline of digestive enzymes which is why it is important to keep checking in on your mental health in order to avoid its potential impact on your digestive health. 

If you are someone who consumes a diet high in processed sugars and fat, this can also be contributing to an enzyme deficiency. The following are our recommendations on how to boost our enzyme levels on a daily basis. 

How to Increase The Amount of Digestive Enzymes In Your Life 

When our bodies do not have the proper tools to maintain digestive enzyme levels normally, it is up to us to give it the support it needs by finding ways to increase enzyme levels naturally through the way we eat and the activities we participate in on a daily basis. The following are a list of foods that are known to contain digestive enzymes:

  • Pineapple: Pineapple contains bromelain which is a digestive enzyme under the protease sector of enzymes and helps to break down proteins into amino acids that our bodies can use. Incorporating pineapples into your daily diet is a great way to boost bromelain levels. 
  • Honey: Honey contains an array of digestive enzymes which makes it a very easy way to boost overall enzyme levels without having to alter your diet a significant amount. You can use raw honey in your drinks or add them to your salad dressings to give you that added boost of support. 
  • Avocados: Avocados contain lipase and are especially unique given their healthy fat content. It is a great way to get your fat intake for the day without compromising the health aspect. Avocados are a great addition to any salad or can be a base for any traditional breakfast including the infamous plate known as avocado toast. 
  • Miso: The process of creating miso includes fermenting soybeans with salt and a fungus called koji. This fungus is what holds many of the digestive enzyme properties which is why miso should become the newest staple in your meals. 

Aside from foods that contain digestive enzymes, another great way you can ensure you are giving your body the support it needs is by taking a supplement for bloating that contains digestive enzymes. Our very own product, Sexy & Slim contains a digestive enzyme complex that has the general enzymes needed to support your digestion. We recommend that Sexy & Slim be taken right before bed which makes it easy to add into your routine. Shop Sexy & Slim today in addition to transforming your diet to look more digestive friendly!

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