supplements that help with bloating

Cooking Practices and Supplements That Help With Bloating

As we all know the foods we consume play a major part in the status of our digestive health. Yet, some people tend to overlook the ways they are cooking the food, and how they are consuming the food, even though these practices also play a major part in how your digestive health is impacted. Today we are going to break down the best practices to incorporate into your kitchen routine to best support your gut health.

Best Ways to Consume Your Food for Proper Digestion 

One of the most important practices you can add to your food routine is a consistent eating schedule. When you do not consistently eat meals every day your body tends to get confused and struggles to properly digest what you are consuming. This is why it is important to eat the same amount of meals each day, so that your body can get used to your schedule. 

Some great ways to do this is through meal planning and planning out your week ahead of time in order to ensure the best possible schedule. A great time to do this is during your night time routine. 

Another healthy habit to add to your eating routine is to take a light walk after your meals. Moving your body after you eat helps to promote proper digestion and avoid symptoms such as constipation and abdominal pain. 

As simple as it sounds, drinking water can also make or break your digestion after a big meal. This does not mean that you should only drink water while you are eating, but to prepare yourself for meals by making sure you are properly hydrated going into the meal. This is because fiber draws water into your colon to create bulkier and softer stools that are easy to pass. 

Adding a probiotic into your routine, can help you consume your food properly due to its properties that help you to properly digest foods that would otherwise be a struggle like dairy. They also help to keep your body overall at a healthy level since it reduces levels of stress and the effects of a poor diet. Probiotics also help with nutrient absorption, which can elevate the benefits you are getting from the food you consume. 

Our product, Probiotic Renu works to give you these exact benefits through its ingredients of both bifido probiotic cultures and lacto probiotic cultures. We recommend you take this supplement for bloating first thing in the morning to go along with a well-balanced breakfast. 

Best Practices For Cooking Your Food


Sprouting is a great cooking method for foods such as grains, legumes, and beans. The process of sprouting helps to break down anti-nutrients such as phytic acid and lectins which can negatively impact processes such as nutrient absorption. When you sprout food it makes them live, which helps them to have enzymes that improve digestion. Sprouting food also helps to create more nutrient dense foods which increases vitamin and protein content for you to take advantage of.

Pressure Cooking 

Similar to sprouting, pressure cooking helps to limit the amount of anti-nutrients in the foods that can damage the digestive process. Pressure cooking uses steam to cook the food in a more efficient manner compared to boiling and is very versatile in the foods it can cook including beans, legumes, and soups.

Cooked Vegetables Compared To Raw Vegetables

Cooked vegetables are easier on the stomach, because during the cooking process their indigestible carbohydrates start to dissipate. A great way to see if this is something that impacts you personally is to keep an eye on the way the foods you are eating impacts you specifically. 

For example, if you find that eating a large bowl of your favorite salad feels harsh on your stomach, try cooking the vegetables next time to see the difference. Although raw plants can be beneficial in terms of its high live enzyme and vitamin content, cooking these foods can also promote the growth of other beneficial nutrients. Regardless of the way your body works the most beneficial thing you can do for yourself is to take note of the way your body reacts to the different cooking techniques. 

How You Can Support Your Body In Addition To Your Eating Habits

Along with all of these tips and tricks for the ways in which we eat and cook, you can also support your digestive process through the following ways:

Limit Added Sugars and Processed foods

These foods can be detrimental to your digestive process, because it takes much longer for it to be properly disposed of. Given the fact there are no nutrient properties in these foods, not only does it lack benefits for your overall health, but can lead to an upset stomach. Consuming foods high in fiber, probiotics, and general nutrients will make you feel happier and healthier in the long run. 

Have A Sleeping Routine

Getting a good amount of sleep each night and having a consistent schedule for it will only benefit your digestive process. This is because your digestion after dinner can occur when you are sleeping and if you are not getting a good night’s rest it impacts this process. 

Exercise Regularly 

While it might be obvious, exercising regularly is very essential to having a healthy digestive system. When you live a sedentary lifestyle it leads to issues such as constipation, bloating, and abdominal pain. While if you exercise it helps to give your digestive system a little boost of energy to stay up and running. This does not mean that you have to go out and do an extraneous workout every day, but if you simply dedicate some time each day to go on a walk, or to do a quick yoga routine, it will make all the difference. Find what works best for you and your schedule, and dedicate yourself to this extra self-care activity to reap the benefits both in your digestive health and energy levels.
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