Bloating supplements

Bloating Supplements and Practices to Avoid Bloating

Bloating is a digestive ailment that can occur for a host of reasons including hormonal imbalance, overeating, food intolerances, and/or an excess of intestinal gas. Bloating is characterized by pressure in the abdomen or the stomach that can include a distended abdomen. For some, bloating can occur with mild or intense pain while others might simply feel discomfort and unease in their stomach. 

Although it is common to experience bloating from time to time, it can become an unpleasant situation that can lead to frustration and unhappiness. Learning how to control bloating when it does occur and how to best avoid experiencing it in the first place requires not only a consistent regime of vitamins to reduce bloating, but also an addition of healthy habits into your daily routine.

Specific Types of Supplements to Take to Help With Bloating 

Sometimes bloating occurs due to poor gut health which can lead to inflammation and an excess of gas in the body. In order to improve one’s gut health and in turn help with bloating, you should consider taking a probiotic daily. A probiotic is made up of good bacteria that naturally occurs in the body. When you have an overwhelming amount of bad bacteria in your gut it leads to complications, but increasing the amount of good bacteria can help to minimize these adverse effects.

Probiotics can be derived from supplements for bloating such as our very own Probiotic Renu. Probiotic Renu is made up of both bifido probiotic cultures and lacto probiotic cultures, which help to reduce unwanted digestive issues due to an increase in healthy bacteria while also helping your body break down foods that might otherwise be challenging for your body to digest. In addition to taking supplements to reduce bloating, you can increase your probiotic levels by consuming foods that are naturally a probiotic such as fermented foods, yogurt, and miso. 

Consuming ginger is another great way to reduce bloating and to help with other digestive ailments. Ginger helps to relax your intestines which makes substances within your body flow more easily throughout your body. This will help to speed up the digestive process lowering the chances of creating excess gas or bloating. Ginger is also beneficial in suppressing appetite which can help to limit the chances of overeating or eating too quickly, both of which are easy ways to experience bloating. Consider adding ginger to your meals or to a beverage of choice to reap its benefits. 

Ways to Avoid Getting Bloated

Since a bloated stomach can be caused by a host of reasons it can be challenging trying to contain it before it even occurs. However, learning your own body’s reactions to certain substances can be a great way to figure out the best way to alleviate unpleasant issues such as bloating. Since digestive issues can be caused by eating foods your body is sensitive or intolerant to, figuring out what foods those are for you specifically is a great place to start. Gluten and dairy filled foods are two of the most common substances people with digestive issues are intolerant to. 

Foods such as those that are high in processed sugars and fats are also substances that can be damaging to your digestive process. Try to avoid these substances and instead fill your diet with foods filled with healthy grains, vegetables, fruits, and lean proteins. While fiber should also be included in a healthy diet, be cautious of consuming too much fiber as this can actually lead to an excess of gas which in turn causes bloating. If you think your bloating might be caused by an overconsumption of fiber, try increasing your fluid intake or exercising to get rid of this adverse effect. 

As previously mentioned, sometimes we might experience bloating due to unhealthy eating habits such as overeating and eating too quickly. Some people are so focused on what they are eating that they tend to overlook how they are eating, but it is just as important to monitor your eating habits as it is to ensure you are sticking to a balanced diet. One of the most common reasons why one overeats is due to high levels of stress. Instead of eating your feelings away and causing pain to your digestive process, try to channel your stress or other unwanted emotions into exercising or mental health activities such as meditation. Not only will this reduce issues such as bloating, but it can also be beneficial to your overall health. 

Eating too quickly does not allow your body enough time to properly digest the foods you consume. This is why mindful eating is essential to a healthy lifestyle. If you find you have trouble with eating at a slower pace, try enjoying your meals with intention rather than simply seeing as a means to an end. In order to do so, you can enjoy your meal with others making it more enjoyable in the process or try to think about what you are consuming so that you are actively giving your meals proper attention.

How Stretching Can Help To Reduce Unwanted Bloating 

While exercise is a great way to reduce bloating, sometimes it can be too trying of a task when you are feeling ill or tired. When this happens try substituting exercising for stretching. It can be just as beneficial for bloating while not being too strenuous on your body. It can help by relaxing and stretching out all the muscles in your body, including the ones in your stomach that might be holding in that excess gas that is causing the bloating in the first place. Stretching is also a great way to relieve the stress in your body which in turn helps with digestive issues. Some studies have also found that improving your posture can also help to relieve the gas that is causing the bloating. In order to reap all of the benefits from stretching, try incorporating it into your daily routine along with a healthy diet and probiotic supplements in order to relieve bloating. 

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