vitamins for bloating

Vitamins for Bloating and Water Retention

There is a chance that water retention is caused by an underlying health condition; however, it is also a very common occurrence that can be minimized by implementing certain lifestyle habits. Water retention can occur throughout all parts of a person’s body. Around half of the human body consists of water, so when our body gets a lack of fluids, it is bound to latch on to the fluids it does receive resulting in water retention, or what is also known as edema. 

Water retention can cause you to experience the following symptoms:

  • sluggishness
  • fatigue 
  • excess weight gain or loss
  • swelling
  • inflammation
  • stiffness
  • bloating 

Potential Situations That Can Lead to Water Retention 

Flying on a Plane

Have you ever wondered why you feel more dehydrated and fatigued after traveling? Traveling already causes a disruption to your daily routine which can contribute to these complications, but the cabin pressure that one experiences when flying can negatively contribute to water retention. Be sure to take extra care of your health and hydration levels when you are preparing to travel. 

Sedentary activities 

Prolonged periods of time either sitting or standing without movement can impact your blood circulation. It is very important to keep your blood pumping to avoid bloating and retaining water. Be sure to prioritize times throughout your day to get your body moving, especially if you work a job that requires you to sit or stand for prolonged periods of time. 

Menstrual Changes

Due to an increase in a hormone called progesterone, women might experience an increase in water retention during certain periods of time throughout their menstrual cycle. Be sure to take note of symptoms you experience throughout your menstrual cycle, so that you are able to properly support your body and its needs. 

Excess Sodium Intake 

When we consume an excess of sodium, our body retains more of the sodium, which leads to fluid retention. Sodium is a silent ingredient in many meals, especially processed foods. Be sure to take note of the amount of sodium you are consuming throughout your day, and try to keep it to a minimum to avoid bloating. 

Other Health Conditions 

Fluid retention could be an indicator that there’s another health condition your body might be working through. If you are experiencing prolonged periods of water retention that does not correlate to a poor lifestyle habit, be sure to check in with your physician as they can help to rule out other health complications related to water retention. 

Lifestyle Habits to Implement That Can Reduce The Impact of Water Retention 

If your water retention is not caused by underlying health conditions, there are some general healthy lifestyle habits that one can implement to reduce the chances of experiencing water retention and fluid buildup.

Limit your salt intake 

While salt might give your food fantastic flavor, too much salt is detrimental to your health. Consider adding other spices to your foods to boost the flavor rather than packing on extra salt. The pre-packaged food is where you might find more of the hidden sodium in your diet. Be sure to look at the packaging of the foods you are consuming for the sodium content information to better understand your sodium intake throughout the day. 


This one is a given, but people truly underestimate how important drinking water is. Drinking water not only minimizes your chances of experiencing water retention and fluid buildup, but also reduces your chances of experiencing constipation, fatigue, and brain fog. Try and keep a water bottle with you at all times so that you feel more motivated to drink water throughout your day. There are even certain foods that have a high water content.

Take vitamin B6

Vitamin B6 can help women reduce their chances of experiencing water retention from their menstrual cycle. While some menstrual symptoms are bound to happen, there are ways to minimize their impact, and vitamin B6 is just one of many. 

Balance out your meals 

Make sure that your meals are high in all of the different nutrients, rather than simply one or the other. Eating a protein-rich diet can be especially helpful in balancing out fluid buildup.

Prioritize movement 

We understand how busy life can get. Have you ever noticed the less mobile you are, the more sluggish you feel? Make sure you are finding ways throughout your day to move your body, stretch out your muscles, and get your blood pumping. This will reduce your chances of experiencing water retention, but also will help to release endorphins, boost your mood, and kickstart your digestive system. 

The Potential Impact That Dehydration Can Have On Your Digestive Process 

Without a hydrated body, your digestive process will struggle to do its job. Fluids help your body to break down the different substances you are consuming throughout the day. When you choose to neglect drinking your fluids, you are raising your chances of experiencing indigestion, a slow digestive process, and constipation. If these issues are not properly handled, they can become even more detrimental to your overall health. Water also helps to soften your stool, which is especially helpful for those who are prone to constipation. 

While fluids are highly recommended, be sure to avoid certain fluids such as carbonated beverages and alcohol as these can only further exacerbate your dehydration levels and your digestive process. Instead, try sprucing up your water with foods such as watermelon, lemon, or even strawberries. Water can be consumed both hot and cold, making an evening tea a wonderful choice as well. 

If you are experiencing indigestion, try adding in a probiotic supplement such as Probiotic Renu or a supplement for bloating that contains gut health enzymes such as Sexy & Slim. These vitamins will only help to support you in the long run. 

Water retention, symptoms of dehydration, and constipation are completely avoidable issues. While it requires dedication and awareness to one’s lifestyle choices, you can be successful. Take those small steps throughout your day to ensure you are hydrated and making health-conscious choices. 

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