no bloat supplement

The No Bloat Supplement for Menstrual Cycle Pain

Do you ever experience an increase in digestive discomfort during your menstrual cycle? If you do, you are not alone. It is actually quite common to experience digestive ailments during your menstrual cycle due to hormone fluctuation and lipids called prostaglandins. Prostaglandins, which act as messengers to our uterus, help our tissue to break down and begin the period process. The release of prostaglandins can cause inflammation on nearby tissue which can trigger a digestive reaction. 

A person is especially more likely to experience digestive changes during their menstrual cycle if they already experience digestive issues throughout their daily life. Below, we are going to break down a number of digestive symptoms that can arise during your menstrual cycle, how to help treat them, and how to decrease any pain you experience during your menstrual cycle. 

How to Alleviate Constipation Caused by Your Menstrual Cycle

During your period, you might experience digestive ailments such as diarrhea, abdominal pain, bloating, gas, and constipation. Right before your period, your body starts to build up more estrogen and progesterone. The buildup of the hormones can lead to a slower digestive process and results in constipation

Fiber can be a great way to decrease constipation, because it will help to move your digestive process along and help to bulk up your stool. Fiber can be especially helpful if you are experiencing diarrhea during your menstrual cycle due to its ability to absorb water. However, with fiber, it is important to keep in mind that increasing your fiber intake too quickly or too aggressively can actually cause adverse effects. 

Hormone fluctuation can also cause your body to become dehydrated, and lead to constipation. Increasing your fluid intake is incredibly important for your overall wellness during your period, but it can also help any constipation you might be experiencing. Water helps to ensure that your stool is easier to pass.

Constipation can sometimes be caused by negligence to the body’s needs. When our body signals to us that we need to use the restroom, it can become easy to ignore the urge and put it off for later. However, this can lead to constipation, because it will allow your stool the time to continue to harden, making it harder to pass. Be sure that you are listening to your body and what it needs in order to avoid further complications. 

Decreasing Pain From Menstrual Cramps During Your Period

Experiencing menstrual cramps is another common issue that arises during a person’s menstrual cycle. However, this does not mean that it is something that we should just have to live with. There are several ways to alleviate the pain from menstrual cramps. Below are some ways to decrease the pain from menstrual cramps during your menstrual cycle. 

1. Drink Warm Water and Chamomile Tea

Water is not only beneficial for constipation, but can also help to decrease bloating and relieve menstrual cramps. At times, bloating comes along with menstrual cramps making it even more uncomfortable to endure. Water helps to reduce your bloating, but warm water can be even more beneficial due to its ability to help relax the muscles throughout your body and increase blood flow. The relaxation of your muscles decreases the amount of uterine contractions leading to a decrease in menstrual cramps. Chamomile tea works in a similar way due to its anti-inflammatory and relaxing properties. 

2. Add Anti-Inflammatory Foods To Your Diet 

Similarly to chamomile tea, there are many foods that have anti-inflammatory properties that make them a great option when it comes to decreasing pain from menstrual cramps. Anti-inflammatory foods help to calm your uterus. Berries, tomatoes, walnuts, ginger, and garlic are all known to be anti-inflammatory which make them a great option for ingredients in your next meal. 

3. Maintain A Healthy Diet 

Despite the fact that cravings tend to rise during a person’s menstrual cycle, it is recommended that one avoids foods high in trans fats, processed sugars, and high salt levels. These types of foods tend to exacerbate menstrual cramps leading to even more unpleasant symptoms such as bloating and inflammation. Be sure to avoid foods that can trigger inflammation such as spicy foods or foods you are intolerant to. Try and switch out tempting snacks with healthier ones. Below is a list of suggestions for healthier snack options. 

  • mixed nuts 
  • yogurt with berries 
  • celery and almond butter 
  • kale chips 
  • dark chocolate covered strawberries 
  • edamame 

Supplements to Take During Your Menstrual Period That Can Help Alleviate Symptoms

Taking supplements that help with bloating and pain can be a great way to support your body during your menstrual cycle. Sexy & Slim is a great vitamin option that contains the best digestive enzymes, anti-inflammatory ingredients, and ingredients that can treat water retention. We recommend taking the probiotic supplement, Sexy & Slim, in the evening to help support your body through the night during your menstrual cycle. 

Increasing your intake of omega-3’s is another great way to reduce menstrual cramps. Omega-3’s help to reduce inflammation in a person’s body, and help to promote the development of hormones that are responsible for regulating blood clotting. It is recommended that omega-3’s be consumed through food rather than supplements since the food can offer more vitamins and nutrients. However, if you are someone who struggles with including omega-3’s in your diet, taking fish oil supplements can be a great option. 

If your body struggles to maintain its iron levels, you might experience iron deficiency during your menstrual cycle. When you lose blood during your menstrual cycle, you are also losing the iron contained within the red blood cells. If you know that you struggle with maintaining proper iron levels, you might want to consider adding an iron supplement into your routine. Anemia caused by iron deficiency presents itself with symptoms such as weakness, shortness of breath, and fatigue. As always, be sure to refer to your doctor regarding any supplements you want to consider taking. 

While period symptoms might not always be completely resolved, there are ways we can alleviate some of the pain that comes along with them. 

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