supplement for bloating

Supplement for Bloating and Tips to Boost Immunity

With the winter season upon us, we become more at risk of catching an illness due to the colder weather. Our bodies are not as equipped at handling viruses that enter our body through colder air temperatures. Our vitamin D levels are also lower during the winter months due to less exposure to the sun. In order to keep your body happy and healthy, it is important to give yourself extra support during the winter months, so that you can combat the extra vulnerabilities.

How Taking Care of Your Digestive Process Helps Your Immunity Levels 

All systems in our bodies are connected, and this is no different when it comes to the relationship between the immune system and the digestive system. Actually, over half of our immune cells live within our digestive system, which is why keeping our immunity levels up not only means taking care of our immune system, but also protecting our digestive process. 

Specifically, the health of your gut impacts the status of your immune system. The diversity of bacteria in your gut microbiome can impact you negatively or positively depending on whether it is good or bad bacteria that is built up in your gut. Bad bacteria in your gut can cause not only immunity issues, but also complications such as abdominal pain, irregular bowel movements, or bloating, all of which can be improved by taking a bloating supplement. 

Supplements that help with bloating such as our Probiotic Renu, can be a great way to protect your gut from any harmful bacteria that is trying to invade your digestive process. It contains both bifido probiotic cultures and lacto probiotic cultures to ensure your body has the support it needs to maintain a healthy digestive process. The bifido probiotic cultures are responsible for ensuring that all bad bacteria stays out of your gastrointestinal system, and the lacto probiotic cultures ensure that your body maintains a healthy level of beneficial bacteria. Be sure to purchase the no bloat supplement called Probiotic Renu to gain the benefits of these ingredients. 

You can also protect your gut and in turn your immunity levels by incorporating probiotic foods into your diet. Yogurt, tempeh, kefir, and miso are all examples of foods that are beneficial for your gut microbiome. 

Certain Foods and Beverages That Can Help Maintain Your Immunity Levels 

The best way to keep your body healthy and strong is by maintaining a healthy diet filled with all the essential nutrients, but did you know there are specific foods that can especially benefit your immune system? 

1. Blueberries 

There are a variety of different berries that you can add to your diet, and they are all incredibly beneficial for your health. They contain nutrients such as potassium, vitamin C, and fiber, that can help you regulate the systems in your body. Blueberries are especially beneficial, because they contain an ingredient called flavonoids. Flavonoids are an antioxidant known to help repair cell damage and boost immunity levels. They are also a great source of carbohydrates which make it a wonderful snack to eat throughout your day to give you a boost of energy.

2. Spinach and kale 

Vegetables such as spinach and kale contain nutrients such as vitamin C and beta-carotene. Beta-carotene transforms into vitamin A when it is absorbed by the body, and it helps your body increase the amount of immunity cells it has as well as pushes the cells to become active. If you think your immune system is feeling weak or unproductive, it could be beneficial to add foods such as spinach and kale to your diet. They make a great base for a side salad to add to a nutritious dinner.

3. Turmeric 

People tend to overlook the positive impact that certain spices can have on their health. Yet, spices like turmeric, ginger, and peppermint all can be beneficial for your immune system. When your body is trying to fight off an infection such as the flu, it can experience tissue inflammation. Turmeric contains anti-inflammatory properties that can help your body fight off this complication, which in turn makes it easier for your body to recover altogether. Spices are an easy way to transform your meal into one that not only is tasty but immune-boosting!

Practices to Implement Into Your Daily Routine To Help Boost Your Immune System 

A poor sleep schedule can potentially negatively impact your immune system. When you are sleep deprived your body produces less cytokines. Cytokines are a protein that control the growth of immune system cells, and with a lower production of cytokines you are at risk of having a weaker immune system. It is important to have a proper sleep schedule in order to protect yourself, but also when you do fall in, it is just as important to sleep a sufficient amount. 

It is also important to keep your stress levels to a minimum, because when you are stressed your body produces more cortisol. Cortisol is a hormone that hinders your immune system from doing its job. Falling ill is one of the last situations that one needs when they are in stressful situations. This is why it is important to have ways to calm down your stress levels when they do arise. Activities like taking a bath, exercising, participating in yoga, and meditating are all great ways to reduce stress. 

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