Best vitamins for bloating

Best Vitamins for Bloating and Winter Staples

With the end of November upon us, we start to turn to the month ofDecember and all the beauty it has to offer. The start of December means a transition into a new season. For those of us who are transitioning into the winter season, we are going to highlight which foods you need to stock up in your kitchen! However, regardless of what season you are entering, we also want to highlight the benefits you can reap from eating foods that are in-season.

Why Eating In-Season Foods Is Important for Your Overall Health 

Eating foods that are in-season means getting the most out of the food you are purchasing. When foods are in-season they are most likely traveling less time to reach your local supermarket, meaning that you are going to receive higher levels of nutrients and flavor in comparison to foods that need to be brought in from other areas of the world. It is important that we are getting the highest level of nutrients out of our food, because those nutrients are what our body uses to give us fuel, keep our digestive system up and running, and promote overall wellness. 

If I still have yet to convince you, another great reason to eat in-season is due to the lower prices. Foods that are out of season and considered precious are going to be harder to replace. This is why foods that can be grown in abundance, such as in-season foods, are going to cost less overall.

If you are someone who really prioritizes knowing where your food is coming from and how it was harvested, then eating in-season is definitely for you. There is less question regarding where your food is being sourced from, and is a great way to support your local farmer’s market. 

Lastly, eating in season helps to promote a healthy gut and reduce the potential of bad bacteria, because each season has a different foundation to offer. For example, in the summer we tend to eat foods that have higher water levels such as watermelon, and this is especially helpful due to the lower hydration levels we experience in the summer. This type of support from in-season foods can be found within all the different seasons. When our bodies are getting the nutrients we need, we are less likely to experience an unhealthy gut reaction that can contribute to issues such as constipation, irregular bowel movements, and bloating. 

Vegetables That Are In-Season During the Winter Months 

Below are three different types of vegetables that are considered in-season during the months of winter. We have also included the many potential benefits of each vegetable in order to best inform you. 


Parsnips are in season during the fall and winter months, and contain high levels of fiber and vitamin C. Vitamin C is especially helpful during the winter months, because that is the time that people tend to become sick, so having parsnips in your meals can help to give you that added boost of protection. In addition, fiber helps with promoting regular bowel movements, especially if you struggle with constipation due to inactivity during the winter months. 


Similarly to parsnips, rutabagas are in season during the fall and winter months. They contain insoluble fiber, vitamin C, and folate. Insoluble fiber is especially helpful for bulking up stool as it cannot be absorbed by water. Aside from boosting immunity, rutabagas help to ensure that your body is having the proper muscle contractions to ensure healthy digestion. Potassium is also known to be beneficial in helping your body break down carbs that you might otherwise find challenging to digest. 


Leeks in some areas of the United States are considered out of season starting in January, so be sure to stock up on this nutritious vegetable as soon as winter begins! Leeks contain high levels of antioxidants as well as vitamin K. Vitamin K is known to help promote healthy and strong bones, which is especially important as we start to age and see a decline in the strength of our bones. Some of the antioxidants found in leeks are also known to contain anti-inflammatory properties, which can help your body reduce the level of inflammation it is experiencing. There are many adverse effects that can be caused by your inflammation, but one example is its impact on your gut’s ability to absorb nutrients correctly. 

The Supplements You Should Prioritize During the Winter

Vitamin C

As mentioned above, the winter months can bring a rise in the amount of illnesses we experience. In order to maintain a healthy immune system and to avoid getting sick as often, make sure you are incorporating foods high in vitamin C. There are also many vitamin C supplements that can be incorporated into your daily routine if you want to be especially certain that you are giving your body the support it needs to avoid having weak immunity. 

Vitamin B12

Vitamin B12, that can be found in our bloating supplement named Metaboliz, is especially helpful during the winter months, because it helps to improve your mood and boost your energy levels. Some people find they are less inclined to get out and get moving during winter, which can lead to a host of issues, but vitamin B12 can give you that added boost of support that might motivate you to become more active. Metaboliz can be a great way to get your intake in, because it also contains many anti-inflammatory ingredients and is a supplement to prevent bloating. 

Vitamin D

While vitamin D might not be the best supplement for stomach bloating, it still has many beneficial properties such as helping to improve your mood and give you healthier bones. Vitamin D is produced in your body when you receive sunlight. However, during winter it can become more challenging to get vitamin D from the sun, which is why it is encouraged to take a vitamin D supplement during these months. 

We hope we have helped you understand the benefits of eating in-season, and the potential ways in which you can prepare yourself for the coming months!

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