Welcome back to one of our newest segments where we break down new gut health trends that are circulating the internet, and let you know whether or not they are worth incorporating into your routines! Today, we are going to break down three different methods that people have been trying out in hopes of healing or improving their gut health.
Changing the Type of Oil You Use Can Improve Your Gut Health
Evaluating one’s diet is one of the first steps to take when trying to identify how best to improve one’s gut health, but what one tends to overlook is that the oil and seasonings we use can also be impacting our gut. It can become quite overwhelming to try to find which oil works best for your cooking endeavors while also being beneficial to your digestive system. This is why we have compiled a list of the different oils and their potential health benefits.
Oil can be identified through three different types of fat. There is monounsaturated fats, polyunsaturated fats, and saturated fats. In terms of your health, it is wise to try to minimize the amount of saturated fats that are found in the oil you are using to cook. Saturated fats are harder for your body to break down which can lead to complications in your digestive tract, and it can also cause an increase in inflammation in your gut. An inflamed gut can lead to your body having trouble absorbing the nutrients from other foods you are consuming.

Extra Virgin Olive Oil is one of the best oils one can use as it is nutrient-dense and contains polyphenol, which is known to provide support to the good bacteria in one’s gut. Given its high smoke point, extra virgin olive oil can be used in a variety of different recipes, making it incredibly versatile. Coconut oil and avocado oil are two other oils that are nutrient-dense and contain monounsaturated/polyunsaturated fats rather than saturated fats. On the other hand, it is vital to avoid oils that contain high levels of saturated fats such as palm oil.
While changing the oil one uses is not the complete solution to creating a healthy gut, making the change to healthier alternatives is a great way to support a healthy lifestyle.
Whether or Not Drinking Aloe Juice Can Improve Your Digestion
Aloe vera is a plant that has been used for many many years as a medicinal plant by many people, and recently there has been a rise in its popularity. There is a juice that can be found on the leaf of the aloe vera plant that can be ingested or used on one’s skin to reap its benefits. Similarly to extra virgin olive oil, aloe vera contains polyphenols which contain high levels of antioxidants. This means that aloe vera has an anti-inflammatory property making it a very valuable plant to have in your home.
Aloe vera juice also contains an ingredient called anthraquinone glycosides, which acts as a laxative. This means that aloe vera juice can be very valuable in helping to minimize symptoms such as constipation. Although, if you are someone who is struggling with symptoms such as diarrhea, it might be wise to stay away from laxatives as it can exacerbate your symptoms. Aloe vera juice has also been known to help with oral issues due to its antibacterial properties. If you are someone who struggles with inflammation or pain in your mouth, using aloe vera juice as a mouthwash can prove to be effective in reducing these issues.

It is also important to understand that there is a lack of research regarding the effectiveness of using aloe vera juice to improve issues such as constipation. However, due to its other potentially beneficial properties, there could be some value to including aloe vera juice in your daily routine. A great way to see the benefits of a certain nutrient on your health is by keeping record of your symptoms before adding it into your routine, and then reevaluating after including it into your routine for a couple of weeks.
The Impact That Doing a Salt Water Flush Can Have On Your Digestive Tract
A salt water flush involves drinking a mix of both non-iodized salt and warm water. It recently has been included in a number of different cleansing programs, and has overall become popular in the wellness community. However, today we are going to break down how a salt water flush actually impacts your body and whether or not it is a significant ritual to add into your routine.
Many people claim that drinking this concoction creates a laxative effect on your body, and helps to flush out not only excess waste, but also excess toxins. It is clearly evident through the many people that have experienced bowel movements after doing a salt water flush that it works in cleaning out your colon or backed up stool. However, there is no clear evidence or research that has found anything that proves it helps to remove toxins or parasites from the body.

It is recommended that salt water flushes are done with an empty stomach, but be careful as this can cause dehydration and/or an electrolyte imbalance. This method of emptying your stomach can also cause intense and consistent bowel movement so be sure to be in a place that you are comfortable going to the bathroom in throughout the day. Due to the decrease in hydration levels, it is also recommended to stay away from any form of exercise as this can further exacerbate your side effects.
So while drinking salt water can be beneficial for those that are having trouble with constipation and having regular bowel movements, it should not be relied on to clear your body of any other potentially harmful substances. As always, with any new digestive health method that you are trying, it is important to discuss it with your doctor first. Be sure to check back later in the month for yet another breakdown of the latest digestive health methods that are trending in the world.