gut health enzymes

Gut Health Enzymes in Sweet Potatoes and These Other Fall Treats

The sunny and warm days are behind us, and the cooler weather comes rushing in to take its place. The drop in temperature means a change in what our bodies need to thrive. During the summer months, the human body craves lighter, more refreshing meals, whereas in the fall and winter months the body requires more nourishing meals. 

These coming months are the time to give your body the energy and comfort it seeks through the foods you consume. In terms of digestion, listening to your body is important as ever during the fall and winter. It is crucial that you give your body extra support by honing your focus on taking your vitamins, increasing your nutrient intake, and practicing healthy digestive habits. 

Digestive enzymes are a wonderful way to support your digestive process and can be found in different foods and bloating supplements. Let us break down the benefits of said enzymes and the foods you need to incorporate into your meals to reap the health benefits. 

What Are Digestive Enzymes and Why They Are Essential For Healthy Digestion 

Digestive enzymes are proteins that your body uses to help break down the substances you consume. They help speed up the break-down process of the nutrients you consume and transform them into a substance that your body is able to properly absorb and use. 

Digestive enzymes are naturally-occurring in the human body — they can be found in your saliva and several different organs. There are different types of enzymes that have certain responsibilities. 

For example: 

  • Amylase helps break down starches and carbohydrates 
  • Lipase focuses on breaking down fats in the body
  • Protease focuses on breaking down proteins in the body

Sometimes, a person’s body struggles with producing digestive enzymes naturally. When there is a lack of digestive enzymes naturally occurring, it can cause a host of digestive issues including abdominal pain, bloating, and irregular bowel movements. Certain conditions such as lactose intolerance can cause the body to struggle with digestive enzyme production. If you are someone who struggles with lactose intolerance, boosting your digestive enzyme levels is more important than ever. 

Luckily, an insufficient amount of digestive enzymes can be combated by increasing your intake of foods with naturally-occurring digestive enzymes and with an enzyme supplement! 

Ingredients to Add to Your Grocery List That Have Digestive Enzymes

We have compiled a list of must-have ingredients to purchase this fall! We have included some classic fall foods, probiotic-rich ingredients, and some sweet additions to round out your meals this season. 

Grocery List 

  • Honey
  • Sauerkraut 
  • Miso
  • Ginger
  • Spinach
  • Sweet potatoes

Let us break down the benefits of these wonderful ingredients: 

Honey: Honey contains four different digestive enzymes making it a game changer when it comes to digestive support. However, it is important to note that in order to reap its digestive benefits, honey must be purchased in its raw form. Any processed honey would most likely have been exposed to high heat which eliminates the digestive enzymes that make it so wonderful. Raw honey also eliminates the chances of purchasing a product with processed or artificial sweeteners. Be sure to add honey to your beverages and breakfast bowls this fall season! 

Sauerkraut: Sauerkraut is cabbage that has undergone the fermentation process. During the fermentation process, sauerkraut elevates its digestive abilities due to the development of digestive enzymes and probiotics that rise during the fermentation process. Similarly to taking a supplement that helps with bloating, an ingredient with probiotics helps to protect your gut microbiome. Sauerkraut can be a wonderful way to add a sour kick and refreshing crunch to your meals this fall. Be sure to consume sauerkraut in its cold form as cooking the sauerkraut can diminish its health benefits. 

Miso: Miso is created by fermenting soybeans. During the fermentation process, salt and koji is added to the soybeans. Koji is what is going to give miso its digestive enzyme kick! Miso paste can be a wonderful addition to your fridge, because it is a great way to whip up a warm and cozy soup during the colder months while being able to reap its digestive benefits! 

Ginger: Ginger contains a protease digestive enzyme making it an awesome ingredient to pair with a lean protein. Ginger is an incredibly versatile ingredient. For the fall months, we recommend adding it to your soups, as a seasoning to your proteins, and incorporating it into your homemade salad dressings! 

Spinach: Spinach contains chlorophyll which is known to help your body produce more digestive enzymes. Spinach is also high in fiber so be sure to take note of your fiber intake when incorporating spinach into your diet. While fiber is essential to maintaining a healthy digestive process, too much fiber can cause adverse issues to occur. 

Sweet potatoes: Sweet potatoes are rich in a variety of different essential nutrients and digestive enzymes! Sweet potatoes are known for being an easy-to-digest food. It is a star stopper in a number of different meals due to its kick of sweetness. Don’t miss out on its flavor or benefits and add sweet potatoes to your grocery list this season! 

Benefits of a Digestive Enzyme Supplement and How To Incorporate Into Your Daily Routine 

While incorporating digestive-enzyme rich foods into your diet is an easy way to get a boost of enzymes into your system, it is not the only way! Digestive enzyme supplements are a great way to still give your digestive system the added support with less responsibility. A supplement for bloating that contains digestive enzymes such as Sexy & Slim gives you the benefits with the added convenience. 

Just take your Sexy & Slim with you wherever you go, and take this supplement once a day for the added support. It is always recommended to take your supplements every single day to get the most out of the product. If you are someone constantly on-the-go or who tends to eat more intuitively than a digestive enzyme supplement might be the move for you. Either way, don’t miss out on the benefits of incorporating more digestive enzymes into your routine! 

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