Bloating is an extremely common digestive ailment, and yet many of its causes are treatable and preventable. It is understanding the potential triggers in your lifestyle that will make the difference in your symptoms. While some digestive complication triggers are obvious such as poor eating habits, high consumption of junk food, and excessive alcohol, other triggers are not as clear.
Subtle unhealthy habits such as poor posture can actually have more of an impact than you might think. Let’s work to better understand the small ways in which you can work to improve your routine to make a large positive impact on your digestion!
How Poor Posture Can Lead to Digestive Complications and Proper Posture Tactics
Let’s face it, poor posture is a common issue being faced across the globe. Whether it's due to sitting at a desk all day long or lounging on the couch for hours on end, poor posture is the secret contributor to health complications. Neck and back pain are the most obvious side effects to poor posture, but the damage does not end there.
Have you recently noticed incontinence issues that are not related to other health issues? Stress incontinence can be triggered by bad posture. Slouching puts pressure on your abdomen and in turn your bladder, which leads to you wanting to urinate more frequently than needed. Slouching also prevents your pelvic floor muscles from doing their job leading to weaker muscles in the long run.
The pressure on your abdomen caused by slouching can also lead to constipation, heartburn, and bloating. Slouching will cause interruption in the digestive process leading to potential stomach acid from returning upwards. When your digestive system struggles to properly expel food, it can cause bloating and constipation.
Luckily, posture is a daily habit that can be monitored and managed accordingly. Take note of your posture habits especially in those moments that you are less likely to notice poor posture. During your work day, try to take notice of how you sit at your desk. Also, try to take breaks from sitting for long periods of time. Certain tools such as a standing desk can be helpful in mitigating these issues!
What Does Hydration Truly Look Like and How Do We Get There?
We have all heard the tried and true health benefits of hydration, but are we ever truly hydrated? Believe it or not, hydration requires more than just water. Hydration stems from both the consumption of fluids and electrolytes. Electrolytes help to direct the water and nutrients you consume in the direction your body needs them the most and promotes proper fluid balance.
Electrolytes are generally derived from the different foods we consume. Oranges, bananas, and dried apricots are electrolyte-rich foods to keep in mind. There are also many beverages that tout their benefits due to their electrolyte content. While some of these might be beneficial in replenishing electrolytes after an especially sweaty gym session, it is crucial to make sure they are low in added sugars to avoid causing other health complications.
Proper hydration is essential to feeling in your best state. From bloating to irritation, the complications of dehydration are endless and dangerous. Exhaustion, fatigue, and digestive complications are all indicators that your hydration levels might be off. Urine color is also another great indicator of how hydrated you are. Pale yellow is the ideal color of urine with a darker yellow meaning dehydration.
An increase in water intake and electrolytes is needed for those with a more active lifestyle. When someone is more active, their body starts to sweat in order to cool down which leads to a loss of fluid. Keep this in mind when monitoring your water intake and adjust your needs accordingly.
If you are someone who struggles with drinking water, we recommend adding fruit to your water to enhance the flavor and investing in a reusable water bottle that can be transported with you wherever you go. Eating foods that have a high-water content is also a great way to stay hydrated. Watermelon, bell peppers, lettuce, and cantaloupe are all great options!
Sedentary Lifestyle Tendencies and Their Impact on Digestion
We all are guilty of a weekend of lounging on the couch, and while there is nothing wrong with relaxing from time to time, we must avoid leading a sedentary lifestyle. A sedentary lifestyle is characterized by little to no physical activity or movement throughout one’s day-to-day routine. This type of lifestyle leads to a load of health issues including digestive complications. Sitting for extended periods of time causes reduced blood flow to the digestive tract, pressure on the abdomen, and decreased muscle contractions. These reactions then lead to constipation, bloating, and irregular bowel movements.
People who lead a sedentary lifestyle are also more likely to struggle with stress and mental health complications. Due to the gut-brain axis, this mix can create the perfect storm of health issues. Luckily, these complications can usually be turned around by better dedication to an active lifestyle.
Find ways to incorporate physical activity into your day. Physical activity can range from walks to gym sessions, and it will look different for everyone. If you are someone who struggles with traditional ways of exercising, consider picking up a sport instead! Sometimes having a community aspect to physical activity can be a motivator we all need from time to time.
In addition to working towards eliminating these triggers in your day-to-day life, we recommend having a digestive health bloating supplement routine to guide you along your journey. A gut health enzyme vitamin and probiotic supplement are great options for anyone looking to support their gut health. Both of these vitamins can be found in our Sexy & Trim Wellness Kit alongside an energizing supplement to give you that daily boost of motivation to continue working towards your goals! While not every aspect of our routines can be perfect, all we can do is work to be more aware of the ways in which we can improve!