Finding ways to boost your immune system consistently throughout the week is just as vital as taking care of your digestive process. All the systems in your body are connected and when one is feeling weak it could negatively impact the other. In order to avoid these adverse effects it is essential in learning how best to prepare your body to fight off illnesses that try and invade your body.
How Your Immune System Impacts Your Digestive System
Our digestive system and our immune system are connected, because when an illness arises in our digestive process it is up to our immune system to help fight it off. On the other hand, the digestive process is where our body gains the nutrients it needs to be strong and maintained.
The digestive system has the potential to develop bad bacteria as well as good bacteria, but if there is an overwhelming amount of bad bacteria it can lead to a host of issues including mood changes, digestive ailments, nausea, and an overall feeling of being unwell. In order to avoid this, we must work to keep the bad bacteria at bay and instead increase our levels of good bacteria in our guts.
Taking a vitamin that helps with bloating such as a probiotic is an essential way to increase your levels of good bacteria and blocks out the bad bacteria. When we are feeling really ill the doctor might even prescribe antibiotics which have been known to cause an imbalance of the bacteria in your gastrointestinal system. If and when you are prescribed antibiotics it is especially important to stay consistent with taking your probiotic supplement to prevent bloating and nausea.
Our probiotic vitamin named Probiotic Renu is a great option as it contains both bifido probiotic cultures and lacto probiotic cultures. Both of these cultures work together to decrease the negative effects of bad bacteria while also giving you added support against potentially harmful invasion in your gastrointestinal system. Since it helps to promote a healthy digestive process it can also be considered a supplement for bloating and other digestive issues.
The Ideal Diet Plan For A Stronger Immune System
Participating in an overall healthy lifestyle is the most important part of keeping up your immunity levels. Activities such as smoking, eating foods high in saturated fats/sugars, and drinking high amounts of alcohol can significantly bring down your immunity levels. While eating healthy might seem a bit challenging at times, you will find that in doing so your energy levels, immune system, and digestion will feel stronger and steadier.
For those who struggle with finding the time to dedicate to healthy eating, meal planning can be a great way to go. This is also a great way to plan out the meals and prioritize certain nutrients in your meals. For example, if you find that your meals are lacking in fiber — which helps with proper digestion — meal planning can be a great time to make sure you are incorporating foods such as beans and avocados to bring your fiber levels up.
Vitamin C is one of the most essential vitamins to take in order to boost your immune system. Vitamin C helps to increase the production of white blood cells in your body which are known to fight off infections when they do invade your system. Eating any fruits high in citrus is a great way to get your vitamin c levels elevated, and are very versatile in the kitchen. Vitamin C is not a vitamin that your body naturally creates on its own which is why ensuring it is incorporated in your daily meals is essential for your overall health.
How Sleep and Exercise Can Help To Increase Your Immunity Levels
Making sure you are getting a proper amount of quality sleep each night is always important, but it is especially important when you are trying to fight off an illness. When a body is properly sleeping it is producing a protein called cytokines and T-cells both of which help to combat any infections or ailments your body might be struggling with. If you choose to sacrifice a quality night of sleep, you are not giving your body the chance to relax and recharge which also leads to a decrease in energy levels the following day.
It is important to understand that even if you try and recuperate your energy by taking an extra long nap the following day, this does not necessarily help your body get back into a quality sleep schedule. In order to truly catch up on resting, one must attempt to create a routine when it comes to sleeping. This can be achieved by dedicating yourself to go to bed and wake up at a similar time every single day. This will give your body the chance to understand when it is time to rest so that it can properly support you.
If you are someone who struggles with getting yourself to go to sleep it is important to evaluate your environment. Some factors that might be making it harder for you to go to bed include loud noises, bright lights, temperature levels, and/or living a sedentary lifestyle. Everyone’s preferences in terms of an ideal sleeping environment is going to be different, but it is important to explore and come to understand your own sleeping preferences in order to get the best rest possible.
Living a sedentary lifestyle can cause you to feel restless at night making it harder to get your body to go to sleep. It is important to move your body throughout the day in order to get it tired enough to want to recharge. Exercising is also an important part of keeping your immune system up and running, because it helps to push it along through the production and movement of white blood cells through your system.
Having a daily exercise routine can lead to your body being able to identify and thus combat an illness at a quicker rate. Exercising does not necessarily need to be intense or extravagant, but making sure you are taking at least 30 minutes out of your day to get up and moving is an essential part of a healthy lifestyle.