vitamins that help with bloating

Vitamins That Help With Bloating and Hair Health

A strong and healthy gut is incredibly important in reducing digestive complications, and it can also help to protect your hair health. The beneficial bacteria that lives within the gut takes the food a person eats and turns it into key nutrients that the body needs to thrive. These nutrients, such as B12, B3, and biotin are also key players in hair health. The gut is responsible for regulating a person’s immune system as well, which is essential when it comes to fostering proper hair growth and maintenance. 

When bad bacteria starts to foster in a person’s gut, it can overpower the healthy bacteria and lead to complications in regards to its responsibilities. When the gut cannot properly do its job due to bad bacteria, it leads to negative manifestations such as digestive complications, skin complications, and hair complications. 

This is why hair maintenance requires both attention to one’s hair and one’s gut. Today, we are going to break down ways you can support your gut in order to avoid the accumulation of bad bacteria that can impact you negatively, as well as ways you can directly help maintain healthy hair. 

How to Increase Healthy Bacteria In Your Gut and Protect It From Any Potentially Harmful Bacteria 

  • Take a probiotic supplement for no more bloating

Probiotic supplements contain microorganisms that help to promote the growth of healthy bacteria in your gut, and help to keep any bad bacteria away from your gut. Probiotics cannot automatically eliminate potentially harmful bacteria in your gut. It requires consistency and time in order to most benefit you and your health. 

Taking a bloat reducing supplement that contains probiotics is one of the most convenient ways to ensure you are getting that daily dose of probiotics into your system. Our Probiotic Renu contains both bifido probiotic cultures and lacto probiotic cultures to ensure you are getting the best bloating supplement support. 

The benefits of probiotics can also be found in many foods including: yogurt, tempeh, miso, and kombucha. 

  • Stick to a diversified diet 

Developing a diverse microbiome through eating can help to improve your gut health, because each type of bacteria tends to have a beneficial job and role within our bodies. The more diverse that we can make our guts, the better. 

We understand that it can become easy to stick to a diet filled with rich fats and sugars, but this will not help to support a diversified microbiome. Processed sugars and fats are actually known to negatively impact our gut health. Instead, try eating whole foods rich in nutrients from several different sectors of the food triangle.

  • Ensure you are taking note of your stress levels 

High stress levels for long periods of time can send our body into overdrive and can lead to chronic inflammation, gut issues, and a constant state of alert. It is important that we work to bring our body back down from states of stress in order to avoid adverse health effects. While stress is an inevitable part of life, living with it can be avoided. 

Each person handles stress differently, and the same can be said for how to combat it. Find activities that speak to you and your body. In general, activities that help to trigger the parasympathetic nervous system are known to bring the body down from a state of panic. 

Some of these activities include: 

  • a mild form of exercise 
  • exposing your body to cold water 
  • meditating

How Digestion Causes Hair Loss and How to Help Combat Hair Loss 

When our gut microbiome is filled with unhealthy bacteria, we tend to find that our bodies struggle to produce the nutrients needed to maintain healthy hair. Poor gut health can cause hair loss and brittle hair. 

If gut issues are the reason for a person’s decline in hair health, then combatting that issue is the first step in improving their hair health. Adding more products will not eliminate the true cause at hand. Following the steps above for a healthy gut and making note of any changes you might experience on a daily basis is a great way to ensure you are avoiding any adverse issues. 

However, if you notice that you are diligently taking care of your gut health and still noticing adverse hair effects, then that might mean your hair loss is caused by another factor. 

Some other factors of hair loss include: 

  • hereditary: Hair loss can occur due to a characteristic you adopted from someone in your family. With age, some people find that their hair starts to fall out or become weaker. Keeping an eye on how your family’s hair is doing can be a good indicator of how your hair health will develop in the future. 
  • hormones: Hormone fluctuation can cause hair complications. If you believe that a hormone or immunity issue is the cause for your hair loss, reach out to your doctor for further guidance. 
  • stress: When our body experiences prolonged states of high stress, it can cause our hair to fall out. This type of hair loss can be reversed with maintenance and care, but it is important to get your stress levels in order. 

Practices and Supplements that can Help Foster Healthy Hair 

Those same nutrients that are produced by our gut can also be taken orally to further support a healthy head of hair.

Supplements that help with maintaining healthy hair include: 

  • Vitamin B12: Vitamin B12 is known to help produce red blood cells. Oxygen-rich red blood cells contribute to stronger hair follicles leading to more consistent hair growth. 
  • Vitamin C: Vitamin C is known to help promote the synthesis of collagen. Collagen helps to create keratin which is a well-known building block to fostering a strong environment for healthy hair.
  • Biotin: Biotin also helps to produce keratin. 
  • Iron: Anemia, which is caused by an iron deficiency, can lead to hair loss if it is not taken care of. Taking an iron supplement can help to support your iron levels and in turn protect your hair. 

As always, be sure to check in with your physician before implementing any new supplement into your routine. 

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