vitamins that help with bloating

Vitamins that Help With Bloating and Constipation

Constipation is one of the most frustrating digestive issues there is to deal with, because at times it can feel as if it might never end. Luckily, there are many ways we can work to relieve constipation and get our bowel movements up and running again. Constipation can be identified as having fewer than three bowel movements a week, can be accompanied with bloating, stool that is hard to pass or small in size, and/or feeling as if you have not completely emptied the waste inside your body. 

Constipation occurs when your colon absorbs too much water from the waste in your body making it harder both in its form and to push out of your body. While it is common to feel constipated from time to time, that does not mean you need to sit around and wait for it to disappear on its own. There are proactive measures you can take on a daily basis to set yourself up not to get constipated, as well as measures you can take to combat it when it does arise.

Practices That Can Cause Constipation and Ways to Minimize Them

As always one of the best ways to maintain a healthy digestive system is to dedicate time to creating a healthy balanced lifestyle. Food is the main substance that we put in our bodies for fuel and nutrients, and depending on what you are eating you may or may not be contributing to your constipation. If you are someone who prefers to indulge in saturated fats and processed sugars consistently, this could be a contributing factor to your poor digestive system. The molecules in saturated fats are so tightly knit together that it is harder for your body to break it down. On the other hand, processed sugars are broken down so rapidly that it makes your body feel as if it isn’t full when in reality you probably already have consumed as much as you need.

While it is never detrimental to indulge in your favorite sweet treats or greasy meals every now and then, it is best to avoid them during your everyday meals in order to have a stronger digestive system. Some foods that are specifically beneficial for your digestive process and can help to minimize issues such as constipation are: foods high in fiber, fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean proteins. It is also important to remember that meals filled with healthy fats are also essential in having a well rounded diet, which can include avocados, fatty fish, chia seeds, and extra virgin olive oil. Having a meal plan is a great way to ensure you are getting all of the nutrients you need to feel happy and healthy. 

Changes in your routine such as traveling or moving into a new place can cause changes in your digestive system. When your body is getting acclimated to new surroundings and a flurry of activity, it is common for it to go into a sort of fight or flight mode. Not to mention the fact that more likely than not you will be consuming foods that are unfamiliar to your body. Learning how to best handle changes in pace when it comes to food consumption – especially while traveling – is vital to your digestive success. 

Have you ever felt like it was time to use the bathroom, but for some reason you turn the other way and start doing something else? Well, this could actually be damaging your digestive system and lead to constipation. Our bodies offer us signals when it is trying to tell us something is needed, and when we choose to ignore that signal it can lead to detrimental effects. Instead of pushing the feeling off, try to get in tune with your body’s signals in order to best support it. 

Other issues that can cause constipation include:

  • Dehydration 
  • Poor sleep schedule 
  • High levels of stress
  • Eating foods that are harder to digest - dairy and gluten
  • Living a Sedentary Lifestyle

Ways to Alleviate Symptoms of Constipation 

Along with a healthy diet that is high in nutrients and fiber, there are a number of other ways you can combat constipation when it does arise. Drinking water is one of the first practices you should implement when you notice constipation and bloating. Water will help to soften the stool that has managed to become too hard to pass. Even if you are an avid water drinker already, try amping up the amount you drink to two or three more glasses a day to see if you notice a difference. 

Getting out and exercising is also a great way of encouraging the waste in your system to be disposed of. Sometimes all it needs is that extra boost of encouragement from the rest of your body to get up and running again. When you exercise your heart rate increases leading to natural movement in your intestine. 

A food diary is a great way to get down to the root cause of what is contributing to your constipation. If for some reason none of these recommendations work for you, maintaining a food diary is a healthy habit that will help you to better understand the ways in which your body reacts to certain foods. This can help you avoid foods that seem to trigger digestive issues so that you are able to live a peaceful life with a happy stomach. Sometimes you might find that you have certain food intolerances you were unaware of. 

An imbalance in your gut might also be causing unwanted digestive issues, but if you work to implement bloating supplements that help with constipation then you might be able to minimize the effects. Probiotics are one of the best bloating supplements you can invest in for yourself. Our probiotic, Probiotic Renu contains 50 million probiotic cultures that work to ensure you are properly breaking down foods and helps to promote the growth of beneficial bacteria in your gut. We recommend it be taken every morning to ensure you are protected day in and day out. Invest in your health today and shop your very own Probiotic Renu right here!
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