At the start of a new year many people are looking to shape up their wellness routines with the latest and greatest trends out there. From certain vitamins to specific objects, there are various items that can enhance your health and make your wellness goals more attainable. While one must still work to stick to the common pillars of a healthy life such as a well-balanced diet and exercise, these items can enhance your overall life.
The Power of Essential Oils For Treating Anxiety
In this day and age, it is incredibly commonplace to pack as much as we can into our days. Overworking can lead to anxiety and stress that can cause crippling effects. Essential oils are a great approach to reducing anxiety in an efficient manner. Essential oils are concentrated plant extracts that maintain the beneficial properties of said plant. The beneficial properties can be transferred over to us through aromatherapy.
Let’s break down some of the most popular essential oils and their benefits!
- Lavender is known for its calming effects which can lead to better sleep and a more consistent heart rate.
- Chamomile is known to be gentle on the body and reduce overthinking or worry.
- Bergamot helps to lift up your mood all while calming you down. There is a sense of peace associated with bergamot that can promote an overall better mood.
These essential oils can be utilized in a number of different ways. A diffuser is the best way to spread the aroma around the room you are in and can be a great option for those who are spending a long period of time in one place. However, those who are out and about can also reap the benefits of essential oils by diluting the oil and applying it to one’s pulse points. Be sure that the essential oil you are using is approved for topical use.
Be sure to exercise caution when using essential oils and consult your doctor in case there is any interaction with other medications. Essential oils are a great tool to utilize when you are feeling anxious, but should not be used as a complete solution to anxiety or stress. Those are best managed with a well-rounded self-care approach.
Popular Digestive Supplements to Reduce Bloating and Boost One’s Health
Bloating is a common complication experienced by many people each and everyday. This digestive ailment causes discomfort and many have turned to curating a supplement routine to overcome this challenge. Certain supplements can offer digestive support in addition to healthy eating and exercise. Some of the most common digestive supporting supplements that help with bloating include, but are not limited to:
Probiotics: Probiotics are beneficial bacteria that can help support a diverse gut microbiome and reduce the chances of experiencing digestive complications. There are a variety of different probiotic strains. For example, Probiotic Renu contains bifido and lacto probiotic cultures which can help your body properly break down the food you consume.
Digestive Enzyme Supplement: Digestive enzymes help your body break down the different nutrients you are consuming on a daily basis. Sometimes our bodies can struggle to break down and absorb nutrients which will then make it challenging to reap their benefits. A bloating supplement like Sexy & Slim can help you avoid this due to the wide variety of digestive enzyme ingredients found in the supplement.
Ginger Supplement: Ginger contains natural anti-inflammatory properties that can be beneficial for one’s overall health. It can be especially helpful in alleviating nausea and bloating. While raw ginger can be consumed in meals or on its own, there are other forms to take ginger in such as capsules or as an herbal tea.
Activated Charcoal: Activated charcoal can help absorb excess gas found in your digestive tract. Recently, people have been turning to activated charcoal to reduce their digestive complications. However, it is crucial to note that activated charcoal should not be taken with certain supplements and medication and one should consult with their physician before starting any new health ritual.
Be sure to take your supplements consistently to reap their benefits to the maximum capacity. While supplements can definitely work to alleviate certain digestive issues, they are not able to solve the root issue at hand. Don’t lose sight of the real issue in order to tackle that as well.
At-Home Massage Devices and The Power of a Therapeutic Massage
Finding time to dedicate to self-care can feel close to impossible with a busy schedule. We often allow our care to fall to the wayside, but items such as at-home massage devices can help remedy this issue! At-home massage devices allow you to enjoy the effects and reap the benefits of professional massage therapy with little to no effort.
There are a variety of different massage devices to choose from including massage guns, electric massage pillows, and foam rollers. Each of these devices have different methods to massaging and can target different issues but overall lead to similar benefits.
- Massage guns help to break up any tension in your muscles, increase blood flow, and can help speed up the recovery process. Usually massage guns come with many additional attachments to switch up the type of massage one experiences while using the device.
- Electric massage pillows are great at helping to release tension and relax your body. It can be a great addition to your evening routine to help you wind down.
- Foam rollers are great for targeting certain areas of your body. They are usually portable and user-friendly making them a great first purchase when it comes to the world of at-home massaging.
Whether at home or at a studio, massages come with physical and emotional benefits. Aside from providing tension relief, massages can:
- Improve circulation and reduce inflammation
- Increase flexibility and range of motion
- Speed up recovery process after certain injuries
- Reduce stress and anxiety
- Increases serotonin levels
- Allows one to feel more rested which can help to promote better sleep
- Provides a moment of relaxation
It is important to keep in mind that certain injuries or complications might require assistance and evaluation from a physician. Be sure to listen to your body and its needs.