slim supplement

The Trending Items and Slim Supplement to Add to Your Diet

Are you looking to transform your diet this year? A healthy diet is one of the most crucial parts of taking care of yourself, yet it is the aspect of one’s life that is often neglected. Whether it is because of time, lack of knowledge, or inaccessibility to healthy products, many people in this world cannot maintain the diet needed to keep their bodies in optimal health. Let us look towards the way people are elevating their diets this year to boost their health and in turn, support all aspects of their body. 

How People Are Using Herbs and Spices to Elevate Their Health and Meals 

There are several types of antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals that one’s body needs to thrive. It can feel overwhelming to try and pack all of these items into our diet each and every single day. This is why people are conveniently turning to herbs and spices to boost their antioxidant levels. 

Not only are herbs and spices a fantastic way to boost the flavor profile of any dish, but they contain loads of antioxidants, have antibacterial properties, and help your body fight off various infections. 

Here are some examples of certain herbs/spices and their benefits: 

Chili Peppers - Per tablespoon, chili peppers contain a little over the recommended daily intake of vitamin C! Vitamin C is an essential nutrient known for its ability to help your body stave off infections and strengthen the different parts of your body. Chili peppers contain capsaicin, which is the compound in the peppers that triggers your body into experiencing the heat in the peppers. This compound can act as an anti-inflammatory and help treat pain symptoms in certain circumstances.  

Cinnamon - Cinnamon can do more than boost the flavor profile of your morning coffee. It contains no added sugars and provides little to no calories to your diet, making it an excellent option for those looking for a way to minimize their sugar intake while still keeping some sweetness in their diet. Cinnamon is also known to have anti-inflammatory properties and can lower cholesterol. 

Cumin - Cumin contains polyphenols and other compounds that help remove toxins from the body. Cumin is also naturally rich in iron, which several people lack in their diet. Cumin tends to have a naturally sweet and nutty profile, making it a great choice in all types of dishes. 

Be sure to add herbs and spices into your diet this year to make achieving a well-rounded diet more convenient! 

Here’s Why You Should Join Others In Adding Fermented Foods To Your Diet 

Do you currently have a container of kimchi in your fridge? If so, did you know of this container's immense power over your gut health? Recently, many people have discovered the power that fermented foods can have on their gut health and, in turn, their overall health. When foods or liquids undergo fermentation, their probiotic levels skyrocket! 

Probiotics are live microorganisms that provide support to your gut health. They help foster a healthy gut environment that will protect you from experiencing unwelcome symptoms such as constipation, bloating, or abdominal pain. 

However, it is essential to note that the fermentation process must be done with live microorganisms for probiotics to be present. When shopping at the supermarket, be sure to read the ingredient list to better understand if you will be gaining probiotics in your diet when eating said food. Probiotics can also be taken as a vitamin to help reduce bloating. These vitamins protect against a leaky gut, similar to fermented foods. 

Here are a list of some of the more common foods that contain probiotics

  • Miso 
  • Tempeh
  • Kimchi
  • Sauerkraut 
  • Yogurt 

Many of these foods can be great additions to your meals to give your gut the support it needs all day long. 

Protein Intake Hacks and Why People Are Increasing Their Protein Intake This Year 

Protein is one of the most essential pillars of a healthy diet and contains amino acids. The amino acids in protein help to support the growth of your bones and muscles, help to create hormones and offer energy to your body. When someone is protein deficient, they may experience a weak immune system, weak bones, and a lack of development. 

While there has always been an emphasis on prioritizing one’s protein intake, in recent times, people have made an extra effort to find efficient ways to jam-pack protein in their diet. With the rise in focus on building muscle and hitting the local gym, many have realized how crucial protein is for their wellness goals. Protein helps with muscle recovery and helps to build lean muscle. 

However, sometimes, it can be challenging to reach the recommended daily protein intake. Here are some ways people are hacking the system and reaching their protein goals with less fuss! 

  1. Protein Powder - There are several types of protein powders out there, and they are a great way to sneak some extra protein into your diet in a convenient manner. They can be mixed simply with water or in meals such as smoothies or oatmeal. Be sure to keep a container of protein powder in your house to turn to in times of need. 
  2. Cottage Cheese - While some might be averted to cottage cheese due to its texture, it is actually an excellent way to get protein into your diet. One cup of cottage cheese contains around 25 grams of protein. Some have been mixing it into their eggs for a fluffy scramble that will knock your protein levels out of the park! 
  3. Jerky - Believe it or not, jerky is an excellent source of protein and can be packed in your purse or work bag for a quick protein-filled snack. Due to the fact it's dried, beef jerky can last a long time in your cupboard. 
  4. Hard-Boiled Eggs - Generally, eggs contain a ton of protein and are essential in many households. However, hard-boiled eggs are next level because they are compact and easy to consume. If you struggle with preparing breakfast before heading out the door, hard-boiled eggs would be great to have on hand. You can get an early start on your daily protein intake without any added fuss. 

These are just some of the many ways people seek to boost their nutrient levels with some added convenience. Check back later as we dive into more health and wellness trends the world is turning to!

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