healthy living

The Healthy Living Trends Everyone’s Talking About

In a world that is constantly evolving, the wellness world is definitely keeping up the pace. New discoveries and trends arise each and every day. These discoveries shape the conversation around wellness and help guide many of us on our journey towards healthy living. Today’s health gurus are not just chasing the generic and well-known ways to sustain their health, but are finding sustainable and innovative ways to elevate it. 

This blog breaks down three buzz worthy trends that might be just the thing you are looking for in your own routine. Creating a sustainable healthy lifestyle requires us to find and implement rituals that complement an already busy lifestyle. These trends can help you create a more intuitive and natural relationship between you and your health needs. 

Whether you are a seasoned health and wellness veteran or just looking to break into the space, we are here to help guide you in finding the habits that will take you to the next level! 

The Innovative Ways People Are Transforming What We Know As The Plant-Based Diet 

Plant-based diet enthusiasts are not new to the wellness space, but recently, there has been a shift in how people view and take on the plant-based diet. Plant-based meals have far surpassed just the basic meat alternatives and vegetable heavy dishes. The innovation and creativity in the world of plant-based dishes has sparked interest for many. 

Fermentation techniques are being used to create meat-like and dairy-like products that help to enhance the flavor and texture profile of the foods being created. People are also looking beyond the foundational sources like soy, wheat, and pea proteins. Ingredients such as watermelon seeds and lupini beans are getting attention due to their protein levels and unique tastes. Who said eating plant-forward couldn’t be fun? 

Home cooks are also getting innovative in the kitchen in the way they cook up certain items. For example, jackfruit can be used to create a pulled pork like texture and feeling that can act as a meat-substitute in any dish. 

People have also started to turn to other cuisines to gain inspiration and to make their meals more adventurous. Many classic South Indian and East Asian dishes have always been plant-centered and jam-packed with flavor. By exploring these dishes, plant-based eaters can have a better understanding of what makes up a buzzworthy plant-based dish. 

Tapping into plant-based trends out there is not only limited to those choosing to follow a plant-based diet. Anyone can benefit from challenging themselves to eating plant-forward meals from time to time. The sometimes obscure and unique ingredients can be beneficial in expanding one’s palate and getting potential nutrients intakes we otherwise would have missed out on. 

What is Movement Snacking and What Are Its Potential Benefits to One’s Health? 

In the era where technology and work rules the world, it can be hard to try and find time to move your body. However, exercise is a fundamental pillar to leading a healthy lifestyle and finding ways to intertwine movement into your already busy routine is essential to success. 

This dilemma has inspired people to turn to this idea called “movement snacking”. Movement snacking refers to incorporating short but effective bursts of movement into one’s daily routine multiple times throughout the day. Instead of solely searching for that one hour time slot to fit in the gym, movement snacking helps elevate movement into all parts of one’s life. 

In a world where remote work, staying in, and working late has become commonplace, it is trends like movement snacking that can make or break how we approach our health. Here are some examples of ways you can incorporate movement snacking into your routine:

For the At-Home Worker 

  • If you have steps in your home, consider walking up and down your steps every now and then throughout the day. 

  • Give yourself 60-second stretch intervals at your desk

  • Find small home chores that you can accomplish easily and with movement (i.e. taking out the trash)

  • Do squats while waiting for a screen to load or for the microwave to finish cooking up lunch 

For Commuters and Office Workers 

  • Take your calls standing or walking if possible 

  • Park your car farther than necessary to get more steps in to and from the office 

  • Invest in a walking pad to utilize while working on your laptop during the day 

Movement snacking is simply finding ways to add small yet effective movements into your routine. The more you incorporate this ritual into your lifestyle, the more second nature it will become. 

How Nature Therapy Is Changing the Game for Many People and Why You Might Want to Consider It 

Your exercise routine is not the only thing being hindered by a busy work schedule. People investing time in nature has significantly reduced with the rise of the work and grind lifestyle. Time spent outdoors has been replaced with time spent behind a screen and our bodies are feeling the effects. It is time that we return to one of the most fundamental ways to support our internal ecosystem by spending time in nature. 

Nature therapy requires intention behind the time spent outside. Here are some examples of nature therapy: 

  1. Forest bathing is a Japanese practice that requires a person to fully immerse themselves in the nature around them. People are encouraged to use all of their senses to take in the nature they are surrounded by. Slow down, be mindful, and take note of how you feel and what you see. 

  2. Green exercise refers to the intentional practice of sitting or walking on green areas of nature. Incorporating grounding into this exercise can be especially helpful in directly connecting yourself to nature. Grounding refers to the practice of planting your bare feet on the bare ground. 

  3. Gardening is a great way to immerse yourself in the beauty that nature has to offer in the comfort of your own space. Building your own garden can be a therapeutic journey on its own and the nature it will bring will only help to benefit you more. 

Be sure to check back for more blogs surrounding new wellness trends that are taking our world by storm. 

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