Supplements for bloating

The Benefits of Supplements for Bloating and Sleep

Taking care of one’s digestive system does not require any intricate steps, but rather only requires a couple of fundamental practices in order to thrive. One of the most vital, yet often overlooked steps to healthy digestion is a proper sleep schedule. Our sleeping habits affect our mental, digestive, and overall health.

How Does Sleep Affect Our Overall Body 

In order to avoid burnout we need to prioritize sleeping in order to allow our bodies to get rejuvenated. While you might think that your body’s function shuts down while sleeping, it is actually the opposite. If you have ever found yourself feeling slower in terms of reflexes and how quickly your brain is able to reach conclusions, it might be due to poor sleeping habits. 

Low levels of sleep can make you more irritable in terms of your mood which can lead to issues within your personal relationships. So many of the body’s functions are hard at work when you’re dozed off including: regulating stress hormones, immune system health, cardiovascular health, and appetite levels. 

In terms of digestive health, there is a clear connection between our gut health and our sleep health — if one is out of sorts it can negatively impact the other. When we do not get enough sleep our hormones become unbalanced increasing the amount of cortisol in your body. When you go to sleep with high levels of cortisol, it can cause intestinal issues in regard to the strength of your gut. A leaky gut means that toxins and food are able to pass through the intestine and into the bloodstream which causes digestive issues such as inflammation and bloating. 

A lack of sleep can also cause our bodies to crave foods that are unhealthy for us. Instead of wanting foods high in nutrients such as fruits and vegetables, we tend to lean on processed sugars and fats that have no beneficial nutrients. This is because these foods give you a quick energy boost rather than sustaining your body in the long run. Make sure to maintain a healthy diet throughout the week, and be cautious about eating meals close to bedtime because it can cause disruption if you do not allow the food to digest properly. You can maintain a healthy diet by meal planning ahead of time so that there is no room for binge eating on unhealthy meals. 

Healthy Sleep Practices To Implement In Your Daily Routine

Minimize Your Intake of Blue Light

As tempting as it might be to give your email that last minute check or to scroll through your social media right before bed, in order to have optimal rest it is best to avoid screen time right before bed. If you are consistently starting at a screen right before bed — especially for long periods of time — it can lead to unrest and make it harder for you to have a good night’s sleep. Instead, try to find activities that give your mind a little bit of mental exercise without straining your brain or eyes too harshly. Some great options include reading a book or playing a crossword puzzle. A great rule of thumb to remember is to limit your blue light intake starting an hour before bed to allow your eyes to reset before bedtime. 

Limit The Amount of Caffeine Right Before Bed

If you are someone who uses caffeine to get you through the day it is important to remember to stop drinking caffeine at a certain time before bed in order to avoid disrupting your sleep schedule. The effects of caffeine can last anywhere from 3 to 7 hours depending on your own body’s limits. If you are unsure as to your own tolerance for caffeine, you can always try changing the time you drink it to see the different ways your body reacts. For those who find drinking coffee or a caffeinated drink as part of your evening ritual, you can try switching it out for a chamomile or peppermint tea. 

Make Your Bed/Room Your Sleep Haven 

It is very important to set up your room and bed to make you feel the most comfortable. Some people feel safer with a nightlight while others find they should invest in blackout curtains to get a good night’s sleep. Knowing your own preferences when it comes to the environment you want to sleep in is essential to having optimal rest. The smallest changes such as the firmness of your pillow can make all the difference in the long run. 

Take Your Supplements Before Bed

A great way to get your sleep schedule on track is by creating a checklist of activities you need to do before bed. This will help you set aside time to wind down before bed and to set you up for the next day to avoid stress. One of the activities you can implement into your bedtime routine is taking your supplements to prevent bloating. Our no bloat supplement named Sexy & Slim is curated to be taken right before bed to help your body’s liver, heart, and gut health be repaired through the night. It contains all natural ingredients including ginger root powder and peppermint powder. 

The Most Proper Way to Sleep For Better Digestion 

If you have ever woken up with constipation, heartburn, or acid reflux it could be due to the position you are sleeping in. Studies have shown that sleeping on your left side is the most beneficial for your digestive system, because it aligns your digestive system better with the gravitational pull. Sleeping on your left side allows gravity to move the waste from your colon, but be sure to put a pillow in between your legs to properly support your spine. 

Specifically if you struggle with acid reflux, sleeping with your head more elevated might help to alleviate some unpleasantness. Studies have also found that sleeping on the left side of your body can help to release some pent up waste in your brain which increases your overall mental health. Sleeping habits are something that need to be consistently practiced and maintained to reap the benefits both mentally and physically. 

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