Our bodies are made up of several different organs that all have a specific function. Organs consist of tissues and cells that help support our body day in and day out. However, organs can be negatively impacted by the stressors that we experience throughout our lives. The foods we eat, our stress levels, and our activity levels, are all aspects of our lives that impact how our organs are functioning. Today, we are going to break down the liver, the heart, and the gut, including the impact they have on our health and how you can better support them.
The Responsibilities of the Liver and How to Support it
The liver is one of the biggest internal organs that we have and it holds great responsibility within our bodies. The following are some of the most vital responsibilities of the liver.
- Filter our blood and detoxifies - The liver is responsible for filtering our blood and taking out any harmful substances that we might have ingested. The liver breaks down these harmful substances into either bile so that it can be expelled from the body through your stool or into urea which is transported to our kidneys where it is expelled through your urine. This process can also be classified as detoxification.
- Helps the digestive process - Some might not identify the liver as a digestive organ, but it actually produces bile which is a vital part of the digestive process. Bile is sent from the liver to the gallbladder where it will then be transported to our intestines and helps to break down any fats we consume.
- Stores vitamins and minerals - The liver stores vitamins and minerals that are essential in helping our body absorb elements from the foods we eat. It works to send these vitamins and minerals into our blood where they are used to nourish and support our body.
These are just three of many responsibilities that our liver holds. Many of these responsibilities are vital in maintaining our overall health, which is why it is important to support your liver function.
Reducing the consumption of pesticides and toxins is one of the best ways you can work to protect your liver. Be sure to keep your alcohol consumption to a minimum as substances such as alcohol can negatively impact your liver in the long run. Pesticides can live on the produce we buy at the supermarket, which is why it is important to wash your produce as efficiently as possible before consuming the produce. Lastly, it is important to reduce your intake of saturated fats, because it will put more strain on your liver which can lead to issues such as inflammation.
What the Heart is Responsible for and How to Keep it Healthy and Strong
We all know that our heart is such a vital part of who we are and our bodies, but do you know the responsibilities a heart has specifically? The heart is responsible for pumping blood, hormones, and other vital substances into other areas of your body. It is also responsible for maintaining your lungs which help you to in turn breathe properly. The heart also maintains your blood pressure which is essential in staying healthy. High blood pressure can put too much strain on your heart which can lead to devastating consequences. In order to maintain optimal health, you must work to protect and support your heart day in and day out. The following are some ways to support your heart’s health.
- Minimize smoking - Smoking increases the chances of having plaque in the blood vessels and arteries that are responsible for transferring blood to the heart. The chemicals found in the substances people smoke can lead to blood clots. When this complication occurs, it can become more challenging for the heart to properly do its job which can lead to permanent damage to your health.
- Minimize your stress levels - It is important for your overall health, but especially your heart, that you keep your stress levels at bay. Stress can contribute to high blood pressure which puts a strain on your heart. Dizziness, shortness of breath, and chest pain are all symptoms that can occur when stress puts a strain on your heart. Be sure to find ways to relieve pent up stress throughout your day in order to maintain a happy heart.
- Exercise - Not only does staying active help to reduce your chances of having high blood pressure, but it can also improve overall circulation in your body. It will lead to a stronger cardiovascular system, because it helps your body get more oxygen into your bloodstream.
Why Your Intestines Matter and How To Support Them
The Small Intestine
The small intestine acts as a connection between your stomach and your large intestine. It helps to absorb nutrients from the food we consume to strengthen your body. It also helps to absorb water in which it sends to your gastrointestinal tract to further help it break down any substances you have consumed. It is an essential part of the digestive process.
The Large Intestine
The large intestine acts as a connection between the small intestine and your anus. It basically acts as the last area where nutrients and water are absorbed from the substances you consume before it is disposed of through waste elimination.
Supporting your overall digestive process is the best way to support your small and large intestine. Be sure that you are taking a supplement for bloating as well as a vitamin that contains gut health enzymes to ensure proper digestion. It is also important to maintain a healthy diet filled with fibrous foods. Our 3-step wellness routine contains the best supplements to prevent bloating. Our wellness routine contains a probiotic, a gut health enzyme vitamin, and an energy boosting digestive supplement.
Taking care of your organs requires living a healthy lifestyle filled with nutritious foods, exercise, and stress reducing activities. It can definitely be challenging at times, but it is important to understand how our organs work in order to best take care of them.