gut health

Gut Health Trends: Are They Worth Your Time?

A constant influx of information is being discovered and spread in the wellness world, but how do you know which ones are worth your time? Here at Bloat No More, we like to break down the latest trends to help you better understand which ones are worthwhile. Digestive complications are never fun, so knowing the tips and tricks to minimize them is a game changer. Today, we will discuss how postbiotics, coffee alternatives, and specialty mushrooms might be able to transform your health routine. 

Before diving into the information, we want to emphasize that before starting any new health trend, one should consult with a physician in order to avoid impacting one’s health negatively. 

What Are Postbiotics and How They Impact You

Prebiotics and probiotics are well-known in the world of gut health, but have you ever heard of the term postbiotics? Postbiotics refer to the beneficial waste left in your body after taking pre-and probiotics. Vitamin B and amino acids are examples of healthy nutrients classified as postbiotics. 

In order to increase the amount of postbiotics in your system, you must increase    intake of probiotics and prebiotics. Probiotics help to boost the amount of beneficial bacteria in your gut and can be obtained from a probiotic supplement or by eating foods rich in probiotics. Yogurt, kefir, and sauerkraut are all examples of foods that contain high levels of probiotics. 

If you are someone who is constantly on the go, you might find that taking a supplement that helps with bloating might be more convenient. Probiotic Renu is a wonderful choice as it was curated with all-natural ingredients aimed at supporting a healthy gut and increasing the amount of beneficial bacteria in your body. The presence of bifido probiotic cultures and lacto probiotic cultures means double the digestive support. 

Regardless of your methods of getting probiotics in your routine, it is essential that you take prebiotics as well. Prebiotics help to support the positive impact that the probiotics have to offer — they go hand in hand. Flax, soy, and almonds are all examples of foods that contain prebiotics. 

While postbiotics are not something you can directly increase in your system, they are obtained by following gut health practices such as taking a probiotic supplement. Beneficial bacteria help to protect your digestive process against leaky gut which can cause a host of different issues for you including immunity levels, energy levels, and mental stability. 

Coffee Alternatives and How They Can Impact Your Gut Health     

Coffee has been the tried-and-true energizing beverage for as long as I can remember, but do its benefits outweigh the costs? While coffee is by no means ‘bad’ for your health, it does raise some concerns. Coffee can sometimes cause a spike in anxiety, rise in blood pressure, and dehydration

Complications such as dehydration can cause digestive concerns such as irregular bowel movements and constipation. Coffee’s impact reaches farther than simply impacting your energy levels. Due to the rise in popularity in specialty coffee drinks such as vanilla lattes, coffee might also be the reason for your intake of artificial sweeteners. Artificial sweeteners are harder for your body to digest and thus creates more issues. 

However, aside from these potential issues, coffee also offers a rise in energy, boosts one’s mood, and can even promote heart health, but it is not the coffee but the caffeine that offers these benefits. If you are one of the unlucky people who struggle with anxiousness or dehydration from coffee, then finding a coffee alternative might be the right move for you.

Beverages such as green tea or matcha still offer all of the benefits that coffee has to offer without the added risk of anxiety due to the way the caffeine enters the bloodstream. The ingredient called l-theanine that can be found in tea is to thank for that. L-theanine is an amino acid that helps to make the digestion of caffeine a smoother process, reducing your chances of experiencing the crash that people tend to associate with coffee. 

Lately, many people have turned to matcha and green tea for their daily dose of caffeine in order to reduce their chances of experiencing said crash. If you are someone who chooses to drink coffee for the taste but prefers to avoid the crash, then drinking decaffeinated coffee might also be the move for you. 

The Health Benefits of Mushrooms and Why You Should Be Shopping Them 

There are a variety of different types of mushrooms out there, and they really have taken the spotlight for being an incredibly beneficial ingredient to add to your grocery list, but why? Mushrooms are not a new discovery, and neither are their benefits. 

Not only are they low in calories and contain a load of different beneficial nutrients, but mushrooms can also support your immunity levels, your digestive health, your brain health, and might even be able to stabilize your blood pressure! 

Mushrooms are rich in prebiotics which as we discussed earlier are the microorganisms that probiotics feed off of. Eating more mushrooms will help to support and maintain the amount of beneficial bacteria in your gut. Mushrooms also contain potassium which is known to help stabilize one’s blood pressure by increasing the amount of sodium that is excreted through one’s urine. 

Some of the mushrooms that are considered the most nutrient and benefit rich are:

  • reishi
  • shiitake 
  • maitake
  • lion’s mane

Due to the rise in popularity of mushrooms, there has been an increase in mushroom supplements and mushrooms being included in energizing beverages. This has taken the world of mushrooms to the next level, and has opened its amazing benefits to those who might not necessarily love the taste. 

However, for those that do love the taste, mushrooms are a wonderful fall vegetable option. It is also a great way to get the taste and texture of meat without actually eating meat, making it a wonderful option for those looking to decrease their meat intake. 

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