healthy living

Gut Health News to Consider for Healthy Living

There are constantly new discoveries in the world of health and wellness, and we are here to break some down for you. The more knowledgeable we can become on gut health, the easier it will be to properly take care of our digestive health. We have a host of different topics to dive into today including: the impact antibiotics can have on your gut, colostrum supplements, and the positive influence turmeric can have on your gut health

How Taking Antibiotics Can Alter Your Gut Microbiome 

Antibiotics are generally prescribed to someone struggling with a bacterial infection. The antibiotics work to kill the bacteria that is spreading throughout your body, and while this is most definitely effective in banishing the harmful bacteria, it can also kill the beneficial bacteria in your body. The antibiotic cannot distinguish the difference between these types of bacteria and their effect, it is simply trying to kill any and all bacteria. 

However, this can cause multiple digestive complications, as the beneficial bacteria is needed for your gut microbiome and overall digestive system to thrive. The antibiotics significantly decrease the diversity of species in your body, can impact your bowel movement regulation, lead to recurring infections, and can cause general digestive complications. The digestive complications that might occur include, but are not limited to, diarrhea, irregular bowel movements, constipation, and bloating. 

Most gut bacteria return to normal after one to two months post antibiotic treatment, but the digestive complications it causes can wreak havoc on your body that is unpleasant to deal with. Since antibiotics is sometimes recommended or required by a physician for a certain illness, it is best to understand how to support your gut microbiome in the best way possible. 

Taking a probiotic supplement is one of the best ways to promote the growth of beneficial bacteria in your gut and is known to be a supplement that helps with bloating. It is most recommended that you take a probiotic supplement every single day to maximize its effects. Eating foods rich in probiotics can also help to regulate the imbalance of your bacteria. Yogurt, kimchi, and tempeh are all examples of foods that have probiotics naturally ocurring in them.

In addition to probiotics, eating foods rich in fiber can support a healthy digestive system post-probiotic regime. The fiber can help to promote healthy bowel movements and reduce the potential for issues such as constipation.  

What Are Colostrum Supplements and What Do They Offer To Your Overall Health 

Colostrum is the breast fluid that is released prior to breast milk and is produced by humans and other mammals. Colostrum contains high levels of antibodies which help stave off infections and bacteria in the body. While colostrum is generally consumed by newborn humans and animals, it can also be taken in the form of a supplement to reap its benefits past adolescence.

Bovine colostrum is the specific kind that is formed into a supplement and has raised interest recently. Bovine colostrum comes from cows, and is similar to the colostrum produced by humans in that they both contain vitamins, minerals, beneficial fats, and digestive enzymes. 

Bovine colostrum contains high levels of magnesium, vitamin A, vitamin B, and vitamin C – to name a few. Lactoferrin and antibodies are the two ingredients found in bovine colostrum that are officially known to help the body fight off infections and stay healthy. Due to this revelation, bovine colostrum can be especially beneficial for those struggling with diarrhea – as diarrhea can be generally caused by an infection in the body. 

Due to its strengthening and protective properties, people have turned to bovine colostrum in hopes that it will help strengthen the digestive tract and their overall gut health. Due to its limited research, we do not have all the information on bovine colostrum and therefore cannot state its overarching benefits definitively. However, some have found digestive improvements from taking it in supplement form. 

As always, it is strongly recommended to speak to a physician before starting any new supplement regime. Bovine colostrum is not for everyone – especially if you are someone allergic or intolerant to milk products. For those interested in exploring bovine colostrum supplements, they are generally being sold in supplement and powder form. 

How An Active Ingredient In Turmeric Can Transform Your Gut Health 

Turmeric is a spice used in many different types of cuisines. Turmeric is known for its vibrant color and is used to brighten up many dishes in the kitchen. It is also known for its potential medicinal benefits due to the ingredient called curcumin. Curcumin is a yellow chemical known for its medicinal benefits and is found in turmeric. Curcumin’s health benefits include, but are not limited to, reducing inflammation, helping to calm anxiety, and regulating one’s metabolism. 

Turmeric helps to reduce inflammation and pain in the body, and because of this can be incredibly beneficial to your digestive process. If you struggle with gut inflammation or instability, then you might want to consider adding turmeric into your routine. 

However, moderation is key. Consuming too much turmeric can actually have an adverse effect on your stomach and overall health. Turmeric produces gastric acid in the stomach, which in certain people can be beneficial, but for others, this can actually be quite detrimental. Turmeric is also known to potentially thin a person’s blood and create contractions in the body. 

Since everyone is on their own health journey, it is best to understand the potential downsides to an ingredient regardless of its potential benefits. Not every single new up and coming supplement is going to work for you specifically. 

If you do choose to consider adding turmeric into your routine, you can consider adding it into your meals or taking it as a supplement. Those who do not necessarily enjoy the taste might opt for the supplement instead. However, if you are looking to get creative with turmeric in the kitchen, it is generally used for things such as curry, stews, soups, and marinades. 

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