gut health enzymes

Gut Health Enzymes and What They Do For You

The human body naturally produces digestive enzymes that are used to help with the digestive process. However, sometimes your gastrointestinal tract struggles with producing digestive enzymes leading to digestive complications. The people who struggle with this might benefit from adding a digestive enzyme supplement into your routine. Let us explore what digestive enzymes do for your health, the different macronutrients they help you to digest, and what your ideal meals should consist of. 

Digestive Enzymes and Their Benefits 

  1. Breaking down macronutrients - Digestive enzymes help your body break down the macronutrients you consume on a daily basis. Proteins, fats, and carbohydrates are all macronutrients that a person’s body needs to thrive. It is crucial that our body has the ability to break down and absorb these nutrients. 
  2. Reduces inflammation - Certain proteins can cause our body to become inflamed, but the digestive enzyme called protease can help to alleviate this issue. Protease helps to specifically break down the proteins you consume, effectively helping to curb any inflammation that might have risen due to the improper protein absorption. 
  3. Helps reduce digestive complications - When our gut is unstable and our bodies struggle with breaking down the substances we consume, we are more likely to experience issues such as bloating and constipation. Digestive enzymes help reduce your chances of experiencing these complications, and instead foster a healthy digestive system. 

It can feel quite overwhelming to choose the specific digestive enzyme supplement to add to your routine. Here are some criteria we believe can help you to narrow down your options! 

  • A supplement that contains all-natural ingredients that work to benefit one’s overall health 
  • Compact packaging and easy to follow directions
  • Contains a digestive enzyme complex to cover all of your bases 
  • Contains anti-inflammatory ingredients to help with digestive complications that are already present 

Luckily, our digestive enzyme supplements cover all of these points and more! It is called Sexy & Slim and was made with your digestive and overall health in mind. It contains a digestive enzyme complex that focuses on the main digestive enzymes needed to break down the macronutrients one consumes. We recommend taking Sexy & Slim in the evenings before bedtime! Certain ingredients such as the dandelion root powder are known to have relaxing properties that could help transform your sleep quality! 

The Different Types of Macronutrients and The Benefits They Offer

An essential nutrient is a substance that your body cannot produce on its own or cannot produce enough of to sustain itself. Carbohydrates, proteins, and fats are all essential nutrients that fall under the category of macronutrients. Macronutrients are any substances that your body needs in copious amounts in order to thrive. 

Your body tends to use macronutrients to fuel your body with energy. This is most common with carbohydrates, but can be derived from all types of macronutrients. In order to successfully eat a sufficient amount of each type of macronutrient, it is crucial to have large variety in your meals. While pasta might be delicious, it tends to be a carbohydrate heavy meal that should be further supported by a protein or fat to make it a well-rounded meal. 

Here are the different ways in which your body uses each type of macronutrient:

Carbohydrates - Carbohydrates tend to be broken down into glucose and used to give you energy, help you store energy, promote healthy digestion, and helps to make you feel satiated. 

Proteins - Proteins transform into amino acids. Amino acids are used to help repair muscles and tissues, help to protect cells, help to regulate pH balance, and help to create enzymes and hormones

Fats - Fats are broken down in the body and turned into fatty acids. These fatty acids help to protect your cells, help your body absorb and transport different fat soluble vitamins, and help to protect your organs from damage. 

As you can see, each macronutrient has a very specific and important function. Macronutrient consumption should not be overlooked, so let us dive into how to ensure you are maintaining a proper amount of each in your diet. 

The Healthy Eating Plate and How It Can Transform The Way You Eat 

Each day we are given the chance to fuel our bodies with nutritious food that is meant to support us and strengthen us. Have you ever taken a moment to think about what your meals usually consist of? The healthy eating plate can be great to reference if you are unsure of the balance of your meals. 

Your plate should consist of: 

  • Whole grains ¼ of the plate
  • Proteins ¼ of the plate
  • Vegetables and fruits ½ of the plate 

In addition to using this as a guideline, one should try to avoid unhealthy fat oils and processed foods. Eating healthy does not need to be restrictive, but rather your diet should be filled with tons of food that fall under one of the categories above. 

Other potential factors that could negatively impact your diet include:

  • Sugary drinks 
  • Alcohol 
  • Caffeine 
  • Unhealthy snacks 
  • A sedentary lifestyle 

If you are someone who tends to indulge in the items mentioned above, it might be time to reflect on your diet and how it is making you feel. While it is okay to indulge from time to time, these factors can cause you to feel more than digestive complications. They can impact your mental state, your skin’s health, and so forth. 

Lastly, water is one of the most essential parts of a healthy diet. Without water, your body will not be able to perform its basic functions leading to a load of complications. Be sure to drink a sufficient amount of water every single day to keep hydrated. Try and keep a water bottle handy at all times, especially if you are someone who struggles with hydration. 

Maintaining a healthy lifestyle requires dedication and awareness of one’s day-to-day habits. We hope this blog has helped guide you in building well-rounded dishes and help you to better understand the importance of digestive enzymes. 

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