best digestive enzymes

Exercise Recommendations and Best Digestive Enzymes

Exercising is one of the most common new year resolutions that people aim to take on, but many have no idea how to properly support their body while exercising. Taking care of your body when staying active is just as important as the activity itself. The types of food you eat, the effectiveness of your digestive process, and your post-activity rituals all come into play on your new journey. Below, we break down the different ways in which you can properly support your body this coming year. 

How Exercising and The Digestive Process Are Related

When you start to exercise, your body takes all of its energy and focuses on giving your heart, muscles, and lungs all the support they need to get you through your workout. This means your digestion slows down when you are exercising. This can cause adverse effects if you eat before you work out, because if the food has not been properly digested it is going to lead to issues such as heartburn, nausea, and stomach pain. 

On the other hand, exercise can actually be beneficial to your digestive process, because it stimulates the gastrointestinal system which helps the digestive process move along. It is just important to avoid eating beforehand. It is also important to remember to stay hydrated throughout the day, because working out dehydrated can cause a host of issues including poor digestion. Dehydration slows down circulation in your whole body and can also cause cramping during and after exercising. 

The Way to Properly Nourish Your Body to Maximize the Effects of Your Exercise 

People tend to neglect the food they eat when it comes to exercising, but it is actually just as important as the exercise itself. One of the most important meals of the day is breakfast, because it helps to get your body ready and energized for the day ahead. Yet, many people tend to exercise before even stepping foot in the kitchen for the day. Eating a meal high in carbohydrates a significant amount of time before exercising can help to give your body the fuel you need to complete a high intensity workout. Skipping out on breakfast can cause you to become lightheaded if you attempt to do a high intensity workout. Not eating enough before exercising can also cause you to burn fewer calories, which can minimize the impact of your workout depending on your workout goals. 

Sometimes, people tend to eat too much before they exercise leaving them feeling extra slow. It is important to find a proper balance between the size of your meals and the amount of time that you wait in between eating and exercise. It is recommended to wait at least an hour between eating and exercising in order to avoid adverse issues. 

Knowing what to eat after exercising is just as important as knowing what to eat before you exercise. In order to best nourish the muscles that you just worked out it is recommended that you eat carbohydrates and protein right after exercising. Some foods that are great additions to a well rounded post-workout meal include grilled chicken, salmon, quinoa, and white rice. Even if you cannot get your hands on a full on meal, it is recommended to eat a snack filled with protein or carbohydrates to give those muscles that support they need. 

Sometimes, someone’s body does not absorb nutrients correctly due to digestive ailments, inflammation, or infection. Top rated digestive enzymes help to support your body in absorbing the nutrients you consume. Our product, Sexy & Slim is a no bloat supplement that contains the following gut health enzymes: amylase, protease, pepsin, lipase, bromelain, and papain. All of these different enzymes have different responsibilities in breaking down foods in your body. Taking this slim supplement can help support your body during your wellness journey. 

How To Best Support Your Body On Your Exercising Journey

While we understand being excited about your new exercise journey, it is important to remember that you need days off in order to allow your body/muscles to recover. This does not mean that you cannot get your body moving every single day, but instead try to find a balance between high and low intensity workouts. Yoga, walking, or swimming are all some of the best forms of exercise to do on your days off. These are all great forms of exercise that help your body recover, which can reduce inflammation in your body and increase circulation. 

Having a consistent way to cool down is another great way to support your body post-workout. Allowing your body to come back to a resting place in a proper way is just as important as the workout itself. If you are going on a run, continuing to walk for a small amount of time can help your body relax more smoothly rather than going from a run to a complete stop. It is also important to ensure you are stretching, because it is important to stretch out the muscles you have been using to ensure proper recovery. Cooling down can help your body avoid injury or soreness. 

Taking a warm bath or a warm shower after exercising can also be a great way to relieve any muscle soreness after a workout. If you do experience any form of soreness or strain in your body, it is important to not avoid these issues, because it could turn into something more serious. Getting a massage, using a ball to roll out your strained muscles, or using compression therapy, are all great ways to help your muscles recover. 

Lastly, one of the most vital parts of your exercise journey is ensuring that you are being kind to yourself. Exercising consistently is not an easy feat, especially with a busy schedule, but be sure you are giving yourself grace on the days that don’t go exactly your way. Finding ways to congratulate yourself like going out to a nice dinner or going to the spa is also a great way to stay consistent. Remember that like with any goal or journey, it is a marathon not a sprint!

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