healthy living

Digital Detoxing for Healthy Living

Technology is embedded in many aspects of society and living today. For many people, exposure to technology and the internet goes hand in hand with their day-to-day work. However, it is important to understand the potential negative setbacks of digital exposure and learn how best to manage the setbacks. Digital overconsumption can lead to mental health complications, mental fog, attention span fragmentation, poor sleep, and sedentary lifestyle side effects including improper digestion. Let’s discuss the potential symptoms to watch out for that can indicate you are in need of a digital detox and how to go about digital detoxing in a world of technology. 

Signs You Need a Digital Detox and How to Manage These Complications 

Let us break down some of the signs to look out for that can indicate you are in need of a digital detox.

Physical Signs You Are In Need of a Digital Detox 

  1. Dry and Strained Eyes - The blue light exposure and poor sleep associated with digital gadget use can cause your eyes to become dry and strained. This can cause you to feel more tired than usual and can start to impact your productivity levels. If you are experiencing these eye symptoms, consider using eye drops and limiting your exposure to blue light when possible. Switch out your television time for a novel or journaling! 
  2. Digestive Complications - Our digestive tract is intricately connected to our overall health. So when digital exposure leads to stress or poor posture, our digestive tract can be negatively impacted. While taking a probiotic for bloating and a supplement with gut health enzymes can be beneficial for digestive complications, the root cause must be eliminated in order to achieve full relief. 
  3. Emotional Eating - Digital overconsumption can cause high stress levels and poor lifestyle habits such as emotional eating. Our bodies have internal indicators that allow us to indicate hunger levels. However, stressful activities such as overworking on your laptop can cause us to lose connection with these internal connections. Try to take note of your eating habits when under stress and work to better understand your internal mental and physical connection. 

Mental Health Signs You Are In Need of a Digital Detox 

  1. Anxiety - Due to how connected we are to our phones and the accessibility it offers us, it comes to no surprise that we can start to develop separation anxiety from our phones. Do you notice a spike in anxiety when you are separated from your phone? This anxiety can start to be crippling to other aspects of your life. If you start to notice this dependency consider investing in an alarm clock to stay away from your phone in the mornings and evenings. 
  2. Small Attention Span - Short-form content is taking over the internet and overconsuming this type of content can lead to a smaller attention span in the long run. This can cause small tasks to become overwhelming and can lead to unhealthy procrastination tactics. Meditation is a great way to become more centered and aligned with your mind. 
  3. Feeling Overstimulated - Our constant access to information can lead to information overload. Feeling overwhelmed will only lead to more complications like irritability and instability. Try to indicate those moments of overstimulation and implement relaxation methods to help manage these symptoms. 

Breaking Down a Digital Detox and The Practical Components of a Detox

A digital detox refers to a period of time in which a person deliberately chooses to separate themselves from all forms of technology and screens. The timing and severity of a digital detox can vary from situation to situation and can be adapted to fit your personal needs. For example, some people are required to use technology for their jobs which makes a full digital detox close to impossible. However, they are still able to implement a form of digital detoxing that can help them still reap the benefits of minimizing digital overconsumption. 

Digital detoxing leads to less stress, less potential for physical side effects, and can help bring real-life interactions back to the forefront of our actions. Before starting your digital detox, it is important to set the boundaries and expectations you have for the detox. Be sure to inform your loved ones and those close to you about your plans so that they can support you on your journey. Here are some digital detox methods you can consider implementing into your own journey: 

  • Implement a no-phone rule one-hour after waking up and before going to bed 
  • Deleting all social media platforms off of your devices to avoid doom scrolling and to encourage more real social interactions (whether in person or calling)
  • Choose specific detox times that make sense with your schedule i.e. no digital exposure after returning home from work and responsibilities each day
  • Limit email checking to a certain amount of times each day, especially if you are someone who cannot set boundaries from work

The timing and length of your detox can vary. A digital detox can also help reinspire interest in hobbies you might have lost the passion for! Let’s get back to in-person connection and better mental clarity together! 

How to Maintain Healthy Boundaries With Technology Post-Detox

While certain aspects of a digital detox can definitely be implemented into daily life, sustaining a full digital detox can be unrealistic for some people. For those cases, it is important to still set and maintain healthy boundaries with technology to avoid feeling digital fatigue and its consequences. 

Screen time tracking is a great way to keep an eye on your digital consumption and to better understand your relationship with technology. Consider journaling your interactions with technology to better understand the aspects that enhance your life rather than hurting your life. 

Balance is the key to any healthy lifestyle tactic and it is no different when it comes to digital exposure. How will you work to better your relationship with technology this coming week? 

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