bloating supplements

Bloating Supplements and Activities for this Spring

As we head into the month of March, for many of us this might mean the coming of spring time. The spring is a great season for cleaning of both your personal spaces and within yourself. It can also be a great time for incorporating new rituals into your routine that can be beneficial for your mental health, physical health, and digestive health. Today we are going to dive into some of the ways you can better yourself this new season. 

Spring Activities That Are Beneficial For Your Mental Health 

There are many activities that you can add to your weekend plans that can help to promote a stable mental space for you to thrive in. Here are just some ideas to inspire you:

Spring Cleaning - The idea of spring cleaning is something that has been around for decades, and it truly can be a great time for you to get your space in order. At times, especially around this time of the year it can be easy to forget to get those harder areas in your house when cleaning, but spring cleaning gives you the excuse to get up and do it. Make sure you are helping to avoid pesky spring allergies by cleaning the dust up around your house. 

This cleaning could also entail purging your closet of clothes that no longer serve you or cleaning out your desk of the outdated supplies/documents. This can be really beneficial for your mental health, because sometimes our stress or anxiety is linked to the disarray in our lives, but if we make this extra effort to clean our space up it can help us lead a more peaceful life. 

Go to A Farmer’s Market - As the weather starts to get warmer, it might motivate you to get out of bed and go to your local farmer’s market. This could be very beneficial for your mental health for many reasons. Not only does your local farmer’s market contain foods that are beneficial for your gut, but in turn it is also foods that are good for your brain. Many fruits and vegetables are known to give you brain power. This ritual is a great way to ensure you are getting your daily dose of fresh air and vitamin D while also shopping for foods that you know are curated for the optimization of your health. 

Spring Activities That Are Beneficial For Your Physical Health 

In addition to your mental health, it is always a great time to give your physical health that boost of extra support. Here are some spring activity ideas to add to your routine to strengthen not only your mind, but your body as well!

Working Out - Even though this can be something that you can do year around, if you are just getting out of the winter months you might be looking forward to participating in warmer working out routines in spring. This could include activities such as riding a bike, doing a yoga routine on the beach, or simply going on a run at your nearest park to take in the beautiful spring colors. Working out is a great way to get your body in shape and to get your lungs’ strength up. It is also a great way to make sure your bowel movements are getting a kickstart, and is a healthy habit that your body will thank you for in the long run.

Gardening - Gardening is a great way to get yourself out in your backyard that maybe has been getting neglected in the winter. You can set goals for yourself in terms of the type of foods or plants you want to bloom in your garden, and it is also a great way to get your body working. Not only does gardening promote a healthy lifestyle with the growth of essential nutrients in vegetables you can grow, but it also makes sure you are getting a workout at the same time through the action of planting. Some foods like broccoli and beans would be a great addition to a spring garden and contain digestive enzymes that are essential for a healthy gut. 

Spring Activities That Are Beneficial For Your Digestive Health

Realign Your Sleep Schedule - As we head into spring time we start to experience the sun going down at a later time, and with this change you might find yourself wanting to wind down later on in the evening. While for many of us this might be a good change as it allows for more activity throughout the day, be cautious of allowing it to cut into your night routine. 

Spring is a great time to realign your sleep schedule to what best supports your lifestyle, but regardless of the time you choose, try to make sure you are getting the recommended at least 7 hours of sleep a night. This is essential for proper digestion, because a good sleep cycle has been known to promote the production of both melatonin and prolactin in your system, both of which have been known to produce good bacteria in the gut. 

Our product, Sexy & Slim has been curated with this sleep cycle in mind. We recommend taking it right before bed to promote proper digestion while you are sleeping. It will work to get you to the point of no more bloating in the mornings and detox your liver and body at the same time!

Limit Processed Foods - Along with spring comes the arrival of many yummy fruits and vegetables that are great substitutions for processed foods that you might have in your routine right now. Instead of reaching for those cookies in your pantry, try switching it out for a juicy mango or strawberry to alleviate your sweet tooth. Your digestive system will thank you, as processed foods only work to damage the path in which your food has to take in order to be properly digested. 

All in all, adding even just one of the activities into your spring routine will be beneficial for you!

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