women wellness supplements

Are Women Wellness Supplements A Part of Your Routine?

Are you someone who has a daily routine they look forward to each day or do you take each day as it comes? While there is definitely an allure to spontaneity, having a daily routine can help you develop and stick to healthy habits that will allow you to achieve your long-term wellness goals. For example, someone who wants to work to establish a healthy gut must take their probiotic for bloating each and every day.

However, without a routine set in place, it can be easy to forget to check these wellness habits off of your list. Does creating a daily routine seem daunting to you? Not to worry, because today we are going to help you develop a daily routine, give you tips on how to stick to your routine, and some general wellness habits we recommend incorporating. 

How to Develop Your Daily Routine So That It Works For Your Schedule 

Believe it or not, the daily routine you create for yourself is what will allow you to reach your goals in the long. This is because most long-term goals require dedication and smaller actions to achieve the bigger picture. It can feel incredibly tempting to try and jam-pack all of the wellness goals you are looking to achieve into your daily routine, but this will sometimes cause you to become discouraged and lead you to lose track of your routine altogether. Instead, it is crucial to narrow down the different areas in your life you want to improve and focus on before figuring out your daily routine. 

Some of the areas in which you might want to focus more of your attention and energy on include:

  • healthy eating 
  • hydration
  • exercising 
  • mental health 
  • hygiene
  • cleanliness 
  • organization 
  • finances 
  • self-exploration 

There is no right or wrong answer when choosing what areas of your life you want to focus on the most. Once you choose the areas in which you want to foster growth and progress in, then you will decide the daily activities that will help you get there. For example, if you are looking to improve your relationship with exercise, you will want to incorporate some form of movement into your daily routine in a way that is effective and attainable. 

You can then go and identify the different daily activities you will incorporate into your routine to help you improve those different areas of your life. Aside from these activities, you will want to make sure you are leaving room for the basic activities that will help you to achieve a healthy lifestyle. 

Depending on your schedule, each week might look a little different. If that is the case, then we recommend separating some time at the beginning of each week to schedule out the following week ahead. Preparation and planning is the key to success! 

How to Stick to Your Daily Routine Every Single Day 

  1. Track Your Progress - One of the most exciting aspects of dedicating yourself to self-improvement is seeing your progress! We recommend tracking your commitment to your daily routine and habits — whether that’s on your phone or on paper! We recommend a visual aid to help motivate you and give you the satisfaction in the long run of sticking to habits that will improve your life for the better. 
  2. Give Yourself Options and Grace - Understanding that there will be days where things do not go as planned is a part of the process. You need to learn how to bounce back from those moments and offer yourself grace during those times to be able to succeed in the long run. There will come a day when you do not get to everything on your list and that is okay. It is being able to continue on from those setbacks that will allow you to find consistency. 
  3. Allow For Changes - While creating your daily routine, keep in mind that certain things might change in the future. Whether it is because your schedule changes or your priorities change, it is okay to alter your schedule to fit your new needs. Giving yourself the space to make the changes will make it less likely for you to bow out all together.

Key Wellness Habits to Consider Adding to Your Routine 

  1. A Step Count Goal - Walking is one of the easiest ways to move our bodies and to increase our endorphins. Walking can also be done anywhere making it a wonderful option for those who struggle to stick to a gym routine or who struggle to find the time to incorporate movement into their routine. Giving yourself a step-count goal each day is a fun and competitive way to motivate yourself to exercise. You might also find that the more you move, the more inclined you are to participate in other physical activity. 
  2. Journaling - Journaling is a great activity for those looking to do more self-exploration and looking to work out their mental health. Journaling gives us a platform to share and explore our thoughts in a non judgemental environment. It is also a great way to track your feelings and experiences to look back on in the future. 
  3. Stretching - Stretching is such an easy way to show some love to your muscles and joints that support you all day long. Stretching will also give you a short period of uninterrupted time in your day to simply be in the moment and practice mindfulness. 
  4. A Hygiene Practice You Struggle With - Whether it is flossing or folding your clothes right after it dries, there are some household and hygienic practices that people struggle with. We all have that one practice we wish we could stick to, because we understand why it is needed. Pinpoint the habit that you struggle with and push yourself to overcome that struggle each and every day. 
  5. Taking Your Supplements - Taking a vitamin for bloating and a gut health enzyme supplement requires consistency in order to reap the benefits. Taking vitamins should be an easy, mundane task to check off the list, and yet, many people struggle with taking their supplements. Add this to your daily routine and work to check it off every single day.
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