healthy living

Are These Gut Healthy Living Trends Worth It?

While conversation surrounding wellness was once overwhelmingly focused on diet and exercise, the shift in trending conversation has taken a turn in recent years. Nowadays, people are taking a more well-rounded outlook on wellness. Buzzing conversation has surrounded our digestive tract in particular. 

The digestive tract is connected to several different aspects of one’s health including immunity levels, mood, and mental health. The current conversation surrounding digestion has opened the doors for new trends to arise that could be beneficial to gut health. Whether you are looking to heal your gut or just interested in exploring new trends, this guide can help introduce you to some of the latest and greatest health trends people are exploring. 

Let’s Break It Down: Milk Thistle Extract In the Mornings for a Healthy Gut 

Milk thistle is an herb found in the same family as a daisy and can be found in many parts of the world. Silymarin is the active component found in milk thistle that gives it its healing properties. Milk thistle can be found in many forms such as a capsule, tea, powder form, as a tincture, or even in a supplement blend. 

Recently, people have been discussing milk thistle as a potential game-changer in the wellness world. Milk thistle is traditionally known to benefit one’s liver health. The liver helps with the digestive process, meaning that by protecting the liver from cell damage and supporting liver regeneration, milk thistle could also potentially support digestion. 

Milk thistle also contains anti-inflammatory and prebiotic properties that make it a potentially appealing choice for gut health. Inflammation and a weak gut are two limiting factors that can cause a host of digestive issues. All in all, by healing these potentially harmful complications milk thistle can help keep gut flora balanced and digestion up and running. 

However, it is important to note that like with any wellness trend, studies are usually limited and every person’s body is different in reaction and need. It is recommended that one speaks to a physician before incorporating any new item into their routine to ensure it aligns with their needs and current health status. 

Somatic Release Therapy: What Does it Do and Why Do We Care? 

Somatic release therapy is a mind-body technique that has gained traction over the years. It is the idea that the human body holds and stores emotional experiences beyond the moment in which we experience them (particularly emotional experiences that are especially intense). Somatic release therapy refers to a physical approach to releasing these stored tensions in our body through mindfulness, guided exercises, and breathwork. While the methods are dissimilar to traditional therapeutic methods, the mental and physical results can often be the same. 

Like traditional therapy, somatic release therapy can be helpful in supporting one’s digestive health due to the gut-brain axis which is the network connecting our digestive tract and emotional health. When we experience stress or anxiety, our body enters a state of fight or flight which leads to a shift in concentration from bodily functions like digestion to focusing on protecting ourselves. It is possible to stay in this state for a prolonged period of time leading to chronic stress and digestive complications. 

In order to bring ourselves back from this state, we must trigger our parasympathetic nervous system which puts us back into a state of rest and digestion. Somatic release therapy is particularly helpful in doing so. This process can activate the physiological state in which digestion is activated. 

Here are some examples of somatic release therapy to consider : 

  1. Breathwork - Take some time to consciously work on your breathing. Consider following a guided meditation to help guide you through this process. 

  2. Movement - Allow yourself to move your body in an explorative way that can release tension and support the mind-body connection. Dancing is a great way to do this and also tap into your creative side. 

  3. Grounding - Grounding refers to the concept of placing your bare feet into the ground. This process can help you feel more connected with the world. 

  4. Massage - Getting a massage can be a great way to release the emotional tension. You can use gentle massage techniques on yourself or get a massage from a professional. 

By incorporating somatic release therapy techniques into your routine, you might find both digestive and mental health benefits. 

Cucumber Juice is the Newest Gut-Health Concoction and Here’s Why

Cucumber juice is not the first “gut-healthy” beverage to take the wellness world by storm, but its low-calorie, low-sweetener properties do make it stand out from its similar counterparts. Many other wellness beverages tend to be plagued with additives and artificial sweeteners that cancel out any benefits it might have had. 

Cucumber juice in its purest form is quite the opposite. With a high-water content percentage, cucumber juice is incredibly hydrating and also contains many beneficial nutrients such as vitamin K and potassium. Its hydrating properties is what sets it apart as a wonderful gut-healthy beverage. Your gut thrives when you feel hydrated. You are less likely to experience irregular bowel movements, bloating, and constipation. 

Cucumber also contains pectin, a soluble fiber that can act as a prebiotic. Prebiotics are what allow probiotics to thrive and do their job in your gut microbiome. Without a healthy dose of prebiotics, your probiotic for bloating is rendered unhelpful. Fiber is also known for its helpful digestive properties in bulking up one’s stool to avoid constipation. 

Due to its light and refreshing characteristic, cucumber juice can be a hydrating way to start your mornings off. It can be especially beneficial before eating to flush out your stomach and start the new day with the right foot forward. The vitamins in cucumber juice can help to reduce morning fatigue as well. 

While you can purchase cucumber juice premade from the store, you can also make it fresh at home which reduces the chances of purchasing one with additives. 

While not every trend will be for you, it is worth exploring what all the buzz is about to see if there is one that matches your own lifestyle. 

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