Have you ever noticed a change in mood, energy, and overall well-being when you make an effort to start your day with intention and peace? Rushing through mornings and experiencing that afternoon slump tends to have a negative impact on one’s overall well-being. Learning how to manage your daily rhythm is key to achieving mental clarity, proper digestive health, and regulated energy levels.
Let’s discuss different ways you can approach your daily schedule and certain elements to consider adding to successfully find stability in your day-to-day life.
The Power of a Consistent and Planned Out Morning Routine
The way you treat your body and mind in the mornings impacts how you will feel for the rest of that day. Instead of picking up your phone to scroll through emails or social media, consider a relaxing and less invasive mental activity to stimulate your mind and slowly wake you up. Stretching, journaling, planning your day, or meditating are all great alternative activities to do first thing in the morning.
Stretching can help to activate your parasympathetic nervous system which can reduce any anxiety or stress you might feel. Meditation and journaling are also great options because they work as a way to reset your mind and to let go of any unwanted worries right out of the gate. Lastly, planning your day can help you focus on what is important and reduce any anxiety caused by a looming task list.
Our choices and actions in the mornings send a signal to our body of what to expect for the day ahead. It is important that we treat it with respect and grace in order to promote that as the day continues. Time is our biggest enemy in achieving a truly relaxing morning experience. While waking up earlier than needed seems like a major sacrifice, it will make a massive difference in your quality of life in the long run.
Work to go to bed at an earlier time to avoid sacrificing your sleep for a slow morning. It is making these sacrifices that will help us to create a schedule that our bodies can align to and understand. When we train our bodies on a certain internal clock, we can better manage our workload and have the energy needed to be successful.
How to Avoid An Afternoon Slump and Listen To Your Body’s Needs
As the day progresses, you can start to feel tired, bloated, and ready to fall back into bed. While it is common to feel sleepy in the afternoon due to the natural sleep-wake cycle of the body, there are certain lifestyle practices that can help mitigate these symptoms.
Choose a Light and Protein-Rich Meal Option: Try to consume foods that take longer for your body to digest and as a result extend your energy levels. Foods high in protein, fiber, magnesium, and complex carbohydrates are beneficial.
Avoid Caffeine and Up Your Water Intake: While it might seem tempting to reach for that second cup of coffee in the afternoons, this can actually hurt you more than it will help you. Caffeine will give you a short-lived boost of energy and a long-lasting grogginess. Instead, drink more water as dehydration can contribute to fatigue.
Listen to Your Body: Experiencing afternoon slumps day after day can be an indicator that you need to modify aspects of your lifestyle. However, sometimes it can truly be your body’s way of letting you know you need to rest. Try to listen to your body’s needs whenever possible and work to understand its different signals. Sometimes a 15-minute mid-day nap can make a world of difference in your mood and energy.
Take A Supplement for Bloating and Energy: Digestive complications can negatively contribute to fatigue in the afternoons. Digestive discomfort can be incredibly distracting during a work day, which is why we recommend taking a supplement that prioritizes your energy levels and digestive health such as Metaboliz. Metaboliz is a slim supplement that was created with all-natural ingredients. These ingredients work to avoid an afternoon slump or midday bloating episode.
Try to monitor your energy levels throughout your day and how they align with your lifestyle practices.
Different Ways to Approach Your Evenings and Each Option’s Benefits
We have now reached the evening time which looks different for everyone and depending on your schedule can prioritize wellness, productivity, or a mix of both! Here are some evening activity recommendations for you:
Plan Ahead: This is a great option for those who would rather go to bed knowing what their next day is going to look like. Planning your day ahead of time can set you up for success in more ways than one. Planning can include figuring out your meals to avoid eating out and scheduling any calls or major work plans to avoid procrastinating due to disorganization. However, there is no need to force this to be a part of your evening plans if you are more of a morning planner. Do what works for you.
Relax, Relax, and Relax: This is a great recommendation for those who tend to go, go, go during the day. Relaxation and self-care plans are crucial to avoiding burnout and to achieving those wellness goals we choose for ourselves. Take the evening time to work towards that new hobby or to pick up that book you’ve been eyeing on your shelf. Prioritizing that time to do something for yourself will lead to intentional actions.
Make Your Home Your Own Personal Nightly Oasis: Luxury hotel spas are not the only place we should feel pampered. Give yourself a spa night from the comfort of your own home by taking those small steps to make your home feel more open and welcome. Light the candles, take those gut health enzyme supplements, and slather on that face mask. It is time that we start romanticizing the small ways we can treat ourselves to make a positive impact on our mental health.